FPA 147 00-1 Quiz
The quiz is an "in-class" one hour exam based on the lecture material, some of the courseware* and information form the labs.  It is mostly a multiple choice and fill-in-the-blank type of exam.  As a teacher I am not obsessed with accurate dates and the memorization of arcane details - I see the exam as a way of indicating to the student that she or he has gained a basic understanding of the field.  

The quiz will be based on the lecture notes.  The lecture notes reference a number of concepts/terminology which is fully explained in the courseware/ZAP pages. 
It is important to read the quiz very carefully.  Many of the questions are simple but I am often disturbed by the number of easily avoidable errors which arise from a cursory read of the exam.

* The courseware contains a large glossary of terms and concepts (The Zen Audio project).  It will be clear from attending lectures what material from ZAP will be germane to the exam. 

This page will be updated occasionally during the semester.