Dynamics of Industrial Location

Toyota Town

Much of chapter 14 discusses the Toyota production system that to an unusual degree - even in the late 1990s but especially until the 1980s - was concentrated in Toyota town. The following reference provides fascinating additional material on Toyota town itself:

K. Fujita and R. C. Hill 1993 Toyota City: industrial organization and the local state in Japan. In K. Fujita and R. C. Hill (eds.) Japanese Cities in the World Economy Philadelphia: Temple University Press, pp. 175-202.

Fujita and Hill analyze Toyota's production system in a manner consistent with the ideas presented in chapter 14. They also discuss the vital role played by local government in supporting Toyota in Toyota Town, provide insights into the albeit brief history of labour radicalism at Toyota, and note that Toyota Town continues to be a classic 'company town' decades after such towns disappeared from western landscapes. Company housing, company services and company paternalism are still important features at Toyota Town which grew from a population of just over 90,000 in 1950 ,to over 320,000 by 1990. Their study also provides employment data according to the size distribution of firms in Toyota town and by gender.

In the same book, there is another interesting study which analyses the Toyota production system, namely:

Y. Miyakawa 1993 The core of Japan's global manufacturing industries. In K. Fujita and R. C. Hill (eds.) Japanese Cities in the World Economy Philadelphia: Temple University Press, pp. 159-174.