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Zimbra Calendar Printing

Hi All,
   First a brief introduction, since this is my first post.   At University of Guelph we are using Zimbra Collaboration Suite 5.0.7 in production as our mail and calendaring solution, having migrated over this summer from Student and Staff mail (Courier IMAP-based) and a significant subset of Staff/Faculty from Oracle Calendar.  An interesting process, and some of our experiences are detailed on the internal project page: http://www.uoguelph.ca/ccs/about/projects/email_cal/index.shtml with support information (Work in Progress) at: http://www.uoguelph.ca/ccs/email/index.shtml

My question (admittedly somewhat narrow in focus) is what people are doing regarding Zimbra Calendar printing.  This issue is turning into a larger issue here than I personally had expected at the start of the project.  (And no, with September and move-in around the corner it is by no means the only one :-)

The desire is for a simple page printout with all the 'at-a-glance' information needed.  This is used by administrative assistants for effective meetings with their supervisors and by resource administrators who post it on meeting room doors etc.. 

Oracle Calendar (thick client) has a single print dialog which allows you to print exactly what date range you want, an handy check boxes for daily, weekly, monthly etc. and prints the minimal information.  This has quirks but meets the need and has become an engrained part of the work flow. 

Zimbra Web Client has lots of printing options, (from one of our help pages)
The last option is the closest to what is missing, but has a bug (we understand fixed in 5.0.9) for delegated calendars which is how this is typically incoporated into workflow.  So my questions are: What are other sites doing?  What advice are you giving regarding printing? Has anyone developed a zimlet or some other workaround so that is made more simple? 

Thanks in advance!...Gerrit

Gerrit Bos,
Email and Calendaring Project Manager, CCS
Email: gbos@uoguelph.ca
Ph: (519) 824-4120 Ext. 53489