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Re: HSM issues with Zimbra 7.1.1

We finally resolved this problem.  Apparently, Zimbra 7 does not automatically include the /Trash folder in the hsm query.  Here was our old HSM policy:


You have two options, now; either add the search term 'is:anywhere' to the current policy, e.g.:

   "message,document,task,appointment,contact,chat,note,wiki:before:-7day is:anywhere"

Or, you can add a separate policy for your trash (which is what we did - move any messages over 1 day old to hsm):

   zmprov ms `zmhostname` \
      zimbraHSMPolicy message,document,task,appointment,contact,chat,note,wiki:before:-4day \
      zimbraHSMPolicy "message,document,task,appointment,contact,chat,note,wiki:before:-1day in:trash"

Big thanks to Jason Bryan with Zimbra Support for finding this for us.  We're recovering LOTS of disk space now...


P.S.  IMAP \DELETED messages still aren't migrated to HSM, but that's another issue.   Fortunately, a majority of our users use the web client.

From: "Fred Seaton" <F-Seaton@wiu.edu>
To: "zimbra-hied-admins" <zimbra-hied-admins@sfu.ca>
Sent: Friday, August 5, 2011 4:12:00 PM
Subject: HSM issues with Zimbra 7.1.1

Is anyone having issues with HSM on Zimbra 7.1.1?  Since moving to 7.x, we've noticed that our /store volume is much larger than it has been in the past and so far it looks like the following issues may be happening:

- Messages marked as IMAP \DELETED ( mail_item.flags & 128 = 128 ) aren't getting migrated to hsm (I think this was a bug under 6.x as well, though)
- Messages in mail_item_dumpster aren't getting migrated to hsm
- Possibly other message in mail_item, but I haven't established a definite pattern on those yet.

I have a support case open with Zimbra on the issue, but since I didn't mark it as urgent, it's taking a loooong time to resolve.

Fred Seaton
Western Illinois University