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Re: Bugs with mixed Zimbra 7/Zimbra 8 cluster

Let me know when you get to that point of migration . I will send you a perl script that can do the migrations for you. I moved 11,000 users at the time with it. 

Pablo Garaitonandia
Penn State University
ITS, Administrative Information Services
(814) 865-6385

From: "Rich Graves" <rgraves@carleton.edu>
To: "zimbra-hied-admins" <zimbra-hied-admins@sfu.ca>
Sent: Friday, June 13, 2014 4:11:57 PM
Subject: Re: Bugs with mixed Zimbra 7/Zimbra 8 cluster

> 1) When I performed my upgrade I just created new boxes that ran zimbra 7 migrated all the users to the new boxes and then upgraded the new machines to 8.0.4.

The proposal is to go from RHEL5 to Ubuntu 12. RHEL5 cannot run ZCS8 and Ubuntu 12 cannot run ZCS7. So I'm looking at account-by-account zmmailboxmove and prolonged coexistence.