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Re: Zimbra preauth versus maintenance mode, expired logins, etc.


On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 05:31:42PM -0400, Rich Graves wrote:
> In my limited testing of ZCS 8.0.7, it appears that when I set zimbraWebClientLoginURL and zimbraWebClientLogoutURL on a virtual domain: 
>     1. Hits on the virtual host redirect properly to the SSO system 
>     2. The AJAX v. HTML v. Mobile UI is chosen based on browser User-Agent 
>     3. Explicit logout from ZWC redirects to the SSO system 
> Possible issues: 
>     1. Is there an argument that I can pass to /service/preauth to force a specific client, like /h/ instead of /m/ on an iPad? 
>     2. Cookie timeouts, invalidated sessions, and maintenance mode seem to go to the built-in ZCS login page. This is acceptable and maybe even preferred because the SSO system can't give a specific error. Is that correct, or is this just an artifact of the test being a non-default virtual host and the nginx proxy not having been restarted since configuring the vhost? 
>     3. Is there a way to bypass SSO for specific accounts, forcing use of the internal login page? User-Agent is not the answer I'm looking for. 

I think you cannot do that. What you can do is to unset zimbraWebClientLoginURL
and somehow direct the users to the login page (maybe different domainname?)

>     4. Are there other edge cases I haven't considered? 
> We are quasi-hosted so I don't think I want to use SAML, which while possibly more secure than a pre-shared key, is newer and less documented. Or does anyone here happen to use and recommend native SAML between Shibboleth 2.4.1 and ZCS 8? 

I think I sent here a description how I set up the zimbra instance at my prev
workplace to authenticate to shibboleth. In the background it also uses preauth.

CSILLAG Tamas (cstamas) - http://cstamas.hu/