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Re: Sporadic 502 errors with Zimbra proxy

Yep, we've ran into something like this, and we ended up having to mess with the proxy settings.

Take a look at https://bugzilla.zimbra.com/show_bug.cgi?id=80135

We've set zimbraMailProxyMaxFails and zimbraMailProxyReconnectTimeout to 0 and never been bothered since.

I'm not sure if that is your issue or not, but it may be worth trying it.


Hi folks,
  Friday afternoon/evening (and Halloween to boot) is probably not the best time to send this out, but I'm just wondering if anyone has seen any issues under Zimbra 8 with occasional short-lived 502 errors using a proxied setup. The errors last precisely 1 minute and only seem to affect connections to one of our 4 mailbox servers.

At first I thought we might be hitting up against zimbraHttpNumThreads, which was set to 1000 on our servers. However, increasing that to 2000 on the affected server had no effect

Then I thought for sure I'd nailed it -- the new DoSFilter in Jetty that was introduced in Zimbra 8 was logging errors about DoS attacks detected, with the target IP being our front-end proxy servers. So I changed zimbraHttpDosFilterMaxRequestsPerSec from 30 to 10000. I didn't see the errors get logged to zmmailboxd anymore, but I still get the same 502 errors. 

The errors happen at random times during the day (but always during the day when the server is busiest), but they always last for precisely 1 minute (determined by grepping for " 502 1310" in nginx.access.log, which is the error code and number of bytes that Nginx returns when this happens. The error codes show up in log lines for exactly a minute). The 1 minute thing seems really suspicious, and does suggest that a server-side back off is happening but on the other hand, during that 1 minute, the affected server still seems to process requests, so it's not like *all* requests get blocked, but most of them do (such that if I keep selecting messages in my web client, they all fail with a 502 error)

So before I open a ticket with Support, anyone seen this already and solved it?


Steve Hillman        IT Architect
hillman@sfu.ca       IT Services
778-782-3960         Simon Fraser University