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Re: MOTD RFE for Zimbra

Matt is correct; we did at one time have a MOTD zimlet that also doubled as an emergency notification system. It was retired quite a while ago, and the code isn't public (it's really, really old, and really, really bad -- I'm pretty sure it was my first zimlet, and it's doing really stupid things like synchronous ajax calls, because hey, async is haaaaard), but it was fairly straightforward. We had a simple backend store of messages (primairly tips & tricks, like the annoying ones in desktop software). When the zimlet loaded, it first checked for any messages classed as "emergency" and displayed that in a modal dialog window (basically, one of these: https://wiki.zimbra.com/wiki/ZCS_6.0:Zimlet_Developers_Guide:Examples:Simple_Dialog). If no emergency messages are found, then it gets a random message and displays that (again, this was meant to show helpful tips, not a true MOTD, hence the randomness). There was a "don't show at login" checkbox (which was ignored for emergency messages).

There was a MOTD/Alerts Zimlet that SFU built a few years ago.  I found several references to it around but didn't find the actual code anywhere.  Since this list is hosted through SFU, maybe they'll respond.


From: "Pablo E Garaitonandia" <peg11@psu.edu>
To: "zimbra-hied-admins" <zimbra-hied-admins@sfu.ca>
Sent: Tuesday, September 1, 2015 8:19:22 AM
Subject: MOTD RFE for Zimbra

Hey Folks,
    I submitted a ticket for an RFE with zimbra. The request is for some type of Message of the Day (MOTD) for web UI users. I think this would be useful in that it will allow the administrators to get messages out to all of the end users for upgrade and outage announcements. Support pointed me out to an old RFE that already exists. I voted for it.  If I could ask you guys to vote for it I would be grateful. Thank you.


Pablo Garaitonandia
Penn State University
ITS, Administrative Information Services
(814) 865-6385

Graham Ballantyne
IT Services
Simon Fraser University