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ZETA Alliance for Zimbra's ZCS - To help ensure its long term success and health as a F/LOSS project.

Hello Everyone, 

 With Steve's permission to send to the list, I wanted to share with everyone an update on the Zeta Alliance [ http://www.zetalliance.org/ ] - a project that a number of community members kicked off a couple of months ago. 

 Our Mission : To build an alliance of users, partners, and contributors for the Zimbra Collaboration Platform to help ensure its long term success and health as a F/LOSS project.

 I'm hoping the Alliance will have EDU representatives and a dedicated working group for their needs. I'm hoping we can have members from the EDU community in our first election process as members of the Board of Directors or the Supervisory Board - as well as leaders of the various working groups. 

 ## General Updates ##

 Zimbra employees have formally joined the Alliance - Quanah, Tony Publiski, and Jorge - as founding members. They've been okay'ed by Zimbra Inc./ Synacor to do so. 

 Last week, we finalized and passed our Charter [ http://www.zetalliance.org/the-zeta-alliance-charter ]. We are also moving forward in joining an umbrella open-source group, currently targeting the SPI [ http://www.spi-inc.org/ ], to formalize our status as a legal non-profit entity. 

 Mailing lists, an IRC channel, and weekly conferences are up and running - details at http://www.zetalliance.org/contact . The conference page also has our notes from the meetings. 

 Barry, the developer of the PGP zimlet, has adopted many of the abandoned or broken zimlets and other related ZCS projects. He's moved them to our Github page [ https://github.com/Zimbra-Community ] . We've also setup a BountySource page for our vision where the community can actively support developers to get the features they want or bugs squashed [ https://www.bountysource.com/teams/zimbra-community ] . 

 Please let me know if there's any questions or better yet - join our various channels of communication and get involved.

Adam Cody
 [Ajcody on Zimbra wiki server]