The primary objective of this course is to introduce students to fundamental tools of economic analysis. We will study the choices that individuals
 and firms make and analyze how these choices are connected through market interactions. Although the course employs some mathematics, the
 main emphasis will be on the intuition behind the economic concepts.  My objective is to show how understanding of the relationships that we
 will examine in this class can be used not only in your further studies, but also to make sense of the world around you.

Required Text:
D. Allen, Economic Principles: Seven Ideas for Thinking…About Almost Anything, 8th edition.

Recommended Text:
M. Parkin and R. Bade, Microeconomics: Canada in the Global Environment, 8th edition, Pearson. 
This textbook is supported by a wide range of online study materials.  


Two Midterm Exams, each worth 25%. Midterm exams will be based on the lecture notes, readings assigned from the required textbook and questions from the end of the chapters of the text.  There are no make-up midterm exams, if you miss a midterm exam, the weight will be transferred to the final.
IMPORTANT: if you are going to miss the midterm you must provide documented evidence of sickness or other extenuating circumstances and you must INFORM ME BEFORE THE DAY OF THE EXAM. 

Final Exam 50%  - final is cumulative.