The course introduces students to game theory and strategic behavior. The topics covered include: choice under uncertainty, game theory (simultaneous and sequential games, games of asymmetric information and bargaining games) and its applications, and market failure (market power, public goods and externalities)

Required Text:
Eaton, Eaton and Allen (2012), Microeconomics, 8th edition, Pearson Education. Note: older editions are acceptable; if a student already owns `Intermediate Microeconomics` by Varian, it could be used instead of the required textbook.
McAfee, P. (2006), Introduction to Economic Analysis can  be used as additional resource.


Two Midterm Exams, each worth 25%.   If you miss a midterm exam,  the weight will be transferred to the final.  There are no make-up midterms.
IMPORTANT: if you are going to miss the midterm you must provide documented evidence of sickness or other extenuating circumstances and you must INFORM ME BEFORE THE DAY OF THE EXAM. 

Final Exam 50%  - final is cumulative. To receive credit for the course a student must write final exam.