Conference Organisation
- 10th Canadian Discrete and Algorithmic Mathematics Conference 2025 (invited minisymposium on How Many? The Art and Craft of Counting), Ottawa, ON, May 2025. Co-organiser with Thaís Bardini Idalino and Shuxing Li.
- 9th Canadian Discrete and Algorithmic Mathematics Conference 2023 (invited minisymposium on Design Theory and Coding Theory), Winnipeg, MB, June 2023. Co-organiser with Thaís Bardini Idalino and Shuxing Li.
- Coast Combinatorics Conference 2023,
Vancouver, BC, March 2023.
Co-organiser with Nancy Neudauer and Amarpreet Rattan.
- Canadian Mathematical Society Winter Meeting 2021 (Special Session on Mathematics of Digital Communications),
online, Dec 2021.
Co-organiser with Shuxing Li and Petr Lisonek.
- 8th Canadian Discrete and Algorithmic Mathematics Conference 2021 (contributed minisymposia I, II on Practical Applications of Design Theory and contributed minisymposia I, II, III on Algebraic and Combinatorial Approaches to Designs and Codes), online, May 2021.
Co-organiser with Thaís Bardini Idalino and Shuxing Li.
- 14th International Conference on Finite Fields and their Applications,
Vancouver, BC, June 2019.
Co-chair with Petr Lisonek of Organising Committee.
- 7th Canadian Discrete and Algorithmic Mathematics Conference 2019,
Vancouver, BC, May 2019.
Chair of Local Arrangements Committee.
- Combinatorial Potlatch 2018,
Vancouver, BC, Nov 2018.
Co-organiser with Nancy Neudauer and Amites Sarkar.
- International Workshop on Difference Sets,
Hangzhou, China, Apr-May 2018.
Co-organiser with Jim Davis, Tao Feng, Ken Smith and Qing Xiang.
- 24th Coast Combinatorics Conference and 4th BC Combinatorics Day,
Vancouver, BC, Mar 2016.
Co-organiser with Richard Anstee, Gary MacGillivray and Sean McGuinness.
- Canadian Discrete and Algorithmic Mathematics Conference 2015,
Saskatoon, SK, Jun 2015.
Chair of Program Committee.
- Mathematics of Communications: Sequences, Codes and Designs,
Banff, AB, Jan 2015.
Co-organiser with Shamgar Gurevich, Dieter Jungnickel and Vladimir Tonchev.
- Combinatorial Potlatch 2012,
Vancouver, BC, Nov 2012.
Co-organiser with Rob Beezer and Nancy Neudauer.
- Sequences and their Applications 2012,
Waterloo, ON, Jun 2012.
Co-chair with Tor Helleseth of Technical Program Committee.
- Computational Math Day 2011,
Vancouver, BC, Aug 2011.
Co-organiser with Ralf Wittenberg.
- Canadian Mathematical Society Winter Meeting 2010 (Special Session on Theory and Application of Sequences and Arrays),
Vancouver, BC, Dec 2010.
Co-organiser with Brett Stevens.
- Sequences and Codes,
Vancouver, BC, Jul 2006.
Co-organiser with Nigel Boston and Rob Calderbank.
- Future Directions in Applied and Theoretical Combinatorics,
Richmond, VA, Sep 2002.
Co-organiser with Jim Davis.
Membership of Technical Program Committees
- Sequences and their Applications 2024,
Colchester, United Kingdom, July 2024.
- Sequences and their Applications 2018,
Hong Kong, Oct 2018.
- Sequences and their Applications 2016,
Chengdu, China, Oct 2016.
- 12th International Conference on Finite Fields and their Applications,
Saratoga Springs, NY, Jul 2015.
- Sequences and their Applications 2014,
Melbourne, Australia, Nov 2014.
- International Workshop on Coding and Cryptography 2013,
Bergen, Norway, Apr 2013.
- 5th International Workshop on Signal Design and its Applications in Communications,
Guilin, China, Oct 2011.
- 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory,
St. Petersburg, Russia, Jul/Aug 2011.
- Sequences and their Applications 2010,
Paris, France, Sep 2010.
- Sequences and their Applications 2006,
Beijing, China, Sep 2006.