J. Adam Holbrook, P.Eng.

Adjunct Professor and Associate Director,
Centre for Policy Research on Science and Technology,
Simon Fraser University,
515 West Hastings St.,
Vancouver, BC,
Canada V6B 5K3
(Home Address: Box V 68, Bowen Island, British Columbia, Canada V0N 1G0)
Telephone: Office: +1 778-782 5192 Home: +1 604 947 9834
Fax: Office: +1 778-782-5239 Home: +1 604 947 9836
E mail: jholbroo@sfu.ca
- 1995 present:
- Associate Director, Centre for Policy Research on Science and Technology (CPROST), and Adjunct Professor, School of Communication, Simon Fraser University
- 1986 -1995:
- Senior Policy Advisor, Science Strategy Branch, Industry Canada and Manager, S&T Economic Analysis Division, (formerly the S&T Data Intelligence Branch, Ministry of State for Science and Technology); responsible for advice, evaluation and analysis on federal S&T expenditures, S&T economic policy, and S&T and innovation performance measurement to senior management and Ministers.
- 1975 - 1985
- Program Analyst, Program Branch, Treasury Board Secretariat: responsible for advice, evaluation and analysis for the following portfolios: Science and Technology (including the National Research Council and NSERC), Transport (marine), the Canadian International Development Agency (bilateral, including IDRC), and Communications.
- 1969 - 1974
- Engineering Manager, Satellite Control Centre, Telesat Canada, responsible for the design, construction and launch operations of the first Telesat Canada satellite control centre.
B.Sc. (honours) Physics, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1966
M.Sc., Physics, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, 1968
B.A.Sc. (cum laude), Electrical Engineering, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario 1974
Public Service Commission, Career Assignment Program, 1974
Public Service Commission, French language proficiency, 1975
Professional Engineer, registered in Ontario and British Columbia
Courses Taught
Communications 438/851 (Special Projects), 1997, 1999,2000, 2001, 2002, 2004
Communications 438/801 and 362 (Research Methods), 2003 (spring), 2003 (fall), 2004 (summer), 2005 (summer)
Communications 480 Directed Readings , 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004
Communications 487/857; 488/858: S&T Policy, 2006, 2007
Communications 497/498 Undergraduate student theses
Member of supervisory committees for M.A. and Ph.D students in the School of Communication at Simon Fraser University and external examiner for theses at the University of British Columbia.
Director, Leonardo Institute (program for Applied Sciences PhD candidates), 2005, 2006, 2007
Delegations and Committee Appointments
- Innovation Systems Research Network (SSHRC/NSERC) , member, steering committee, and western Canada sub-network leader 2001 - present
- Statistics Canada, member, Advisory Committee on S&T Statistics, 1992 1999
- Industry Canada, member, Canadian delegation, APEC working group on industry, science and technology, Vancouver 1997
- Industry Canada, head of Canadian delegation, OECD Conference on S&T Indicators, and member of the editorial board for the 1991 revisions of the "Frascati Manual", Rome, 1991
- Industry Canada, member, OECD Committee of National Experts on S&T Indicators 1986 - 1993
- Natural Resources Canada, member, Canadian delegation, UN Conference on New and Renewable Sources of Energy, Nairobi, Kenya, 1982
- Treasury Board Secretariat, chairman, study on government space programs and their effect on the Canadian aerospace industry, 1977
- Canada Centre for Sustainable Communities, director, 2004
Peer Reviewing and Editing Activities
- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Economic and Social Research Council: grant application referee for S&T policy, innovation research and management of technology proposals
- Science and Public Policy, Research Evaluation, and Canadian Journal of Sociology : Referee for articles submitted.
- Research Evaluation, guest editor, special number on S&T indicators and their policy implications in Iberoamerica, Vol 6.,#3, 1996
- Science and Public Policy, guest editor, special numbers on S&T indicators and their policy implications, Vol 19,#5 and #6, 1992
- Aid to Scholarly Publications Programme, referee for the of the Canadian Federation for the Humanities and the Social Science Federation of Canada
Major Research and Teaching Grants
- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council: regional network director and principal co-investigator, Innovation Systems Research Network study on "The role of local and regional industrial clusters in Canada", grant #412-2000-1002; 2000-2005, and grant #412-2005-1001, 2006 - 2011
- Canadian Water Network (NCE): co-investigator, "Applications and Barriers to Innovation in Use of Advanced Oxidation Processes" , 2001- 2004
- CANARIE/ANAST: co-investigator: "High-speed Internet video-conferencing for research networks", 2001- 2002
- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council: Network leader and principal investigator, InnoCom (now the Western Canada sub network for the national Innovation Systems Research Network), grant # 822-98-0005, 1998 - 2001
- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council: Principal investigator, "Reanalysis of innovation survey data from the Lower Mainland and the Okanagan", SFU/SSHRC small research grant., 1998 - 99
- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council: Principal investigator, "Measurement of innovation in firms and regional clusters in BC", grant # 809-97-0012, 1997-98
- UNESCO: First holder, UNESCO Chair on S&T Indicators, National University of Quilmes, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1997
- Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada: " Studies for a Canadian S&T Policy in the Asia-Pacific Region", 1996
- Organization of American States: Lecturer: OAS/RICYT Symposia on S&T and Innovation Indicators:
- Cartagena (Colombia) and Sao Paulo (Brazil), 1996;
- Santiago (Chile), Mar del Plata (Argentina) and Port of Spain (Trinidad), 1997;
- Medellin (Colombia), Kingston (Jamaica), and La Cumbre (Argentina), 1998;
- Port-of-Spain (Trinidad) and Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic), 1999
Major Research and Policy Advice Contracts
Government of Canada
- Canada Foundation for Innovation (with SPR Associates) "Evaluation of the New Opportunities Fund Program" , 2007
- Industry Canada, "An Analysis of the Classification of Government R&D Funding", 2007
- National Research Council (with SPR Associates) "Delphi Survey of Emerging Technologies and Sectors" , 2006
- National Research Council (with Hickling Arthurs Low), " Studies of NRC Technology Cluster Initiatives", 2005
- Canadian Association of Graduate Studies, "Policies of Innovation", Toronto, 2005
- Council of S&T Advisors, "The Changing Conduct and Management of S&T", 2005
- National Research Council /Western Economic Diversification (with Hickling Arthurs Low), "Baseline Study of NRC Technology Cluster Initiatives", 2005
- Western Economic Diversification (with Hickling Arthurs Low), " Evaluation of the International Trade Personnel and First Jobs in S&T Programs", 2004
- Canada Foundation for Innovation (with Bruce P. Clayman), "Linkage of Clusters to Research Funding", 2003, (CPROST Report 04-06)
- Canada Foundation for Innovation (with Bruce P. Clayman), "The Survival of University Spin-offs and Their Relevance to Regional Development", 2003 (CPROST Report 04-03)
- Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (with Hickling Arthurs Low) "Evaluation of the Research Grants Program", 2002
- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (with Hickling Arthurs Low) "Mid-term Evaluation of the Canada Research Chairs Program", 2002
- Western Economic Diversification Canada "R&D Expenditures in Western Canada", 2000
- Prime Minister’s Advisory Committee on S&T: "An inventory of policies and programs relating to Highly Qualified Personnel", 1999 (CPROST Report 99-03)
- Statistics Canada: "Comparison of the 1996 Survey of Innovation in the Services Sector and CPROST Surveys of Innovation", 1999 (CPROST Report 99-04)
- PRECARN: "The Measurement of Pre-competitive Research Activity in Canada", 1998
- International Development Research Centre:, "Measuring Progress: Performance Indicators for Regional Systems of Innovation", IDRC Workshop "Strengthening Innovation Systems", Toronto, 1997 (CPROST Report 97-05)
- Industry Canada: "Canada’s Trade in the Pacific Rim, a concept paper for APEC/WGIST". 1997 (CPROST Report 97-01)
- Statistics Canada: "Survey of Innovation in Enterprises in BC", 1997 (CPROST Report 97-03)
- Industry Canada: "Canadians’ Knowledge of S&T and S&T Policy Issues" 1995 (CPROST Report 95-10)
- Industry Canada: Discussant and Rapporteur, Industry Canada Symposium on
- "Measuring Trade in High Technology Products", Ottawa, October 1995, (CPROST Report 95-11)
Province of British Columbia and Municipal Governments
- Ministry of Economic Development (with Bruce P. Clayman) "Asset Map of the New Media Sector", 2007
- District of North Vancouver "An Analysis of Industrial Clusters in the District of North Vancouver", 2007
- Leading Edge BC (with the Canada Institute for Market Information), "Bibliography, metrics and analyses of high-tech clusters in the Lower Mainland", 2004
- City of Burnaby "An Analysis of Industrial Clusters in the City of Burnaby", 2004, (CPROST Report 04-07)
- Science Council of BC: "Innovation Studies in BC" , 1999
- Science Council of BC: Workshop on "S&T Indicators and Benchmarks for a Small Economy", 1996 (CPROST Report 96-05)
- Albania/UNESCO: Member, UNESCO/UNDP S&T mission to Albania, 1996 (CPROST Report 96-08)
- Argentina/UNDP: Member, external evaluation review panel for the Instituto Nacional de Tecnolgia Industrial of Argentina, 1999
- Australia, Australian Research Council, consultant, evaluation of research sponsored by granting councils in Canada, 1998 (see J.A.D.Holbrook, "Evaluation of Research Sponsored by Federal Granting Councils in Canada: The Social Contract", Research Evaluation, Vol. 8, #1, pp 31 - 40, 2000)
- Chile/Uruguay guest speaker Santiago and Valdivia, Chile, and Montevideo, Uruguay, 2007, International Development Research Centre, with Foreign Affairs Canada
- China: Seminar leader on S&T performance indicators, State S&T Commission of China, Beijing; guest lecturer , Tsinghua University (Beijing), 1992
- Colombia Observatorio de Ciencia y Tecnologia, member, Supervisory Committee, (COLCIENCIAS, Colombia) 2000 - 2002
- European Union (with SSHRC), Are Intellectual Property Rights Quanta of Innovation?, Conference on Intellectual Property Rights and IP Policies, Florence, Italy, 2005
- Indonesia/CIDA: Advisor to BAPPENAS Deputy IV for S&T Policy and Planning, CIDA/Indonesia Development Planning Project, 1998-99
- Korea: Invited expert on innovation in regional development and the role of government laboratories, Electronic and Telecommunications Research Institute, Seoul and Taejon, 2000; Korean Institute for S&T Evaluation and Planning, Seoul, 2003, 2006; Korean Research Institute for Huma Settlements, Anyang, 2003, Daegu, 2005; Pusan National University 2006
- Mexico: Invited speaker: Seminar on Innovation and Clusters, Unversidad de Guadelajara, December 2004; invited speaker, Symposium on Regional and Bi-national Partnership for Global Competitiveness , Monterrey, Neuvo Leon, June 2004; seminar leader on R&D tax credit programs, House of Representatives and Senate of the Government of Mexico, Mexico City, 2000 Mexico: Seminar leader on R&D tax credit programs, House of Representatives and Senate of the Government of Mexico, Mexico City, 2000
- Sri Lanka: Study of the S&T Management Information System for the National Science Foundation, funded by the Asian Development Bank as part of the S&T Personnel Development Project for Sri Lanka, 2004; Study on Expatriate Scientists and Engineers, National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka for the Ministry of Science and Technology, 2005
- UNESCO: Invited speaker, South Asian Workshop on S&T Indicators, New Delhi, India, 2005
- United States of America , National Science Foundation, member, international panel of experts on research evaluation in the United States , Washington, DC, 2001 (see S.E.Cozzens, "Research assessment: what’s next?", Research Evaluation, Vol. 11, #2, pp 65 - 80, August 2002)
Refereed and Invited Publications
J.A.D.Holbrook and D.A.Wolfe, editors, "Knowledge, Clusters and Regional Innovation: Economic Development in Canada", McGill-Queen’s University Press, Kingston, 2002, ISBN 0-88911-919-8
J.J.Chrisman, J.A.D.Holbrook, and J.H.Chua, editors and introduction, "Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Western Canada: From Family Business to Multinationals", University of Calgary Press, Calgary, 2002, ISBN 1-55238-0750
J.A.D.Holbrook and D.A.Wolfe, editors, "Innovation, Institutions and Territory: Regional Innovation Systems", McGill-Queen’s University Press, Kingston, 2000, ISBN 0-88911-891-4
J.A.D.Holbrook, editor, "Resource Books for S&T Consultations, Vols. I and II", Secretariat for S&T Review, Government of Canada, 1994
Journal Articles, Book Chapters, and Refereed Conference Presentations
J.A.D.Holbrook, D.Arthurs and E.Cassidy, "Understanding the Vancouver Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Cluster: A case study of public laboratories and private research" Proceedings of the Hydrogen & Fuel Cells 2007 International Conference, Vancouver, 2007 (CPROST Report 03-07)
M.Salazar and J.A.D. Holbrook, "Canadian STI Policy: the product of regional networking" "Regional Studies", special edition on regional governance and science policy, August 2007
J.A.D.Holbrook and B.P.Clayman, "Research Funding by City: an indicator of technological competitiveness?", "Research Evaluation", Vol. 15, #3, 2006
J.A.D.Holbrook, "Regional Differences in Innovation in Knowledge-based Industries", in "International Journal of Technology, Knowledge and Society", Vol. 2, #4, 2006
J.A.D.Holbrook and D.A.Wolfe, "The Innovation Systems Research Network (ISRN): A Canadian Experiment in Knowledge Management", Science and Public Policy, Vol. 32, #2, 2005
J.A.D.Holbrook and C.H.Langford , "The Interaction of Policy and Technology; Should we move to distributed water treatment networks for small water systems?" , 2005 Policy Research Initiative conference in Gatineau, Que, May 2005
M.Salazar and J.A.D.Holbrook " A Debate on Innovation Surveys", Science and Public Policy, Vol. 31, No.4, pp. 254 - 266, 2004, (a paper presented at a conference in honour of Keith Pavitt: "What do we know about innovation?" SPRU, University of Sussex, November 2003)
J.A.D.Holbrook, "A University as the Seed of a Cluster; the biotechnology cluster in Vancouver" CORS/INFORM Conference, Banff, AB, 2004
J.A.D.Holbrook, M.Salazar, N. Crowden, S. Reibling, K.Warfield, and N. Weiner, "The biotechnology cluster in Vancouver" in "Clusters in a Cold Climate: Innovation Dynamics in a Diverse Economy", David.A.Wolfe and Matthew Lucas, editors, McGill-Queen's University Press, Kingston, 2004
J.A.D.Holbrook and M.Salazar, "Regional Innovation Systems within a Federation: Do National Policies Affect all Regions Equally?", Innovation: Management, Policy & Practice, Vol 6, #1, 2004
C.H.Langford and J.A.D.Holbrook, "Applications and Barriers to Innovation in Use of Advanced Oxidation Processes", International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Ottawa, 2003
J.A.D.Holbrook and L.P. Hughes, "Characteristics of Innovation in a Non-Metropolitan Area: the Okanagan Valley of British Columbia", in "Systems and Policies for the Globalized Learning Economy" P. Conçeicao, D.V.Gibson, M.V.Heitor and C.Stolp, editors, Greenwood Publishing Group, Westport CN, USA, 2003 (the proceedings of the Third International Conference on Innovation, Science and Technology, Austin, Texas, 1999)
J.A.D.Holbrook and C.H.Langford, "The Interaction of Policy and Technology:
Potable Water Systems post-Walkerton", Canadian Water Network First National Symposium, St. John, NB, 2003
J.A.D.Holbrook and L.P.Hughes, "Innovation, Training and the Management of Highly Skilled Personnel", in "Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Western Canada: From Family Business to Multinationals" J.J.Chrisman, J.A.D.Holbrook, and J.H.Chua, editors, University of Calgary Press, Calgary, 2002
J.A.D.Holbrook and L.P.Hughes, "Comments on the use of the OECD Oslo Manual in non-manufacturing based economies", Science and Public Policy, Vol. 28, #2, 2001
J.A.D.Holbrook, T. Padmore and L.P. Hughes, "Innovation in Enterprises in a non-Metropolitan Area: Quantitative and Qualitative Perspectives" in "Innovation, Institutions and Territory: Regional Innovation Systems", J.A.D.Holbrook and D.A.Wolfe, editors, McGill-Queen’s Press, Kingston, 2000
J.A.D.Holbrook, "Evaluation of Research Sponsored by Federal Granting Councils in Canada: The Social Contract", Research Evaluation, Vol. 9, #1, 2000
J.A.D.Holbrook and L.P. Hughes, "Measurement of Innovation in Service Industries", in "Temas Actuales de Indicadores de Ciencia y Tecnología en América Latina y el Caribe", M. Albornoz, editor,(the proceedings of the Fourth Iberoamerican Workshop on S&T Indicators, RICYT, Mexico City, Mexico, 1999), (see CPROST Report 99-03)
J.A.D.Holbrook and L.P.Hughes, "Measurement of Regional Systems of Innovation: Innovation in Enterprises in British Columbia", in "Local and Regional Systems of Innovation", J.de la Mothe and G. Paquet, editors, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Amsterdam, 1998
J.A.D.Holbrook, "Problems in Adapting the Frascati Manual for use in Resource based Economies", Taller Internacional Sobre la Adaptacion del Manual Frascati para America Latina, Medellin, Colombia, 1998 (see CPROST Report 98-08)
L.P.Hughes and J.A.D.Holbrook, "Measuring Knowledge Management: A New Indicator of Innovation in Enterprises", 5th International Conference on S&T Indicators, Cambridge, England, 1998 (see CPROST Report 98-02)
J.A.D.Holbrook, " The Use of National Systems of Innovation Models to Develop Indicators of Innovation and Technological Capacity", Third Iberoamerican Workshop on S&T Indicators, RICYT, Santiago, Chile, 1997 (see CPROST Report 97-06)
J.A.D.Holbrook, "Technology and Industrial Performance", a review of a report by the DSTI, OECD, Science and Public Policy, Vol. 24, #5, 1997
J.A.D.Holbrook, "Indicators of Innovation in a Small Economy", published as "Indicadores de innovación en una economia pequeña", in El universario de la medición, H.Jaramillo and M.Albornoz, editors, Tercer Mundo Editores, Bogota, Colombia, 1997 (see CPROST Report 97-05)
M.S.Lipsett and J.A.D.Holbrook, "Reflections on Indicators of International Cooperation in S&T", published as "Reflexiones sobre indicadores de cooperación internacional en ciencia y tecnolgia" in El universario de la medición, ed. H.Jaramillo and M.Albornoz, Tercer Mundo Editores, Bogota, Colombia, 1997 (see CPROST Report 96-06)
J.A.D.Holbrook, "A View from the Northern Hemisphere", introduction as guest editor to a special issue of Research Evaluation, Vol.6 #3, 1996
J.A.D.Holbrook and R.J.Squires, "Firm level Analysis of Determinants of Canadian Industrial R&D Performance", Science and Public Policy, Vol 23, #6, 1996
M.S.Lipsett, J.A.D.Holbrook, R.G.Lipsey, and R.W.de Wit. "R&D and Innovation at the Firm Level: Improving the S&T Policy Information Base", Research Evaluation, Vol.5, #2, 1995
J.A.D.Holbrook, "A five cent cigar for the policy maker; a review of S&T Policy in Interdependent Economies, by David Mowery", book review, Science and Public Policy, Vol. 22, #5, 1995
J.A.D.Holbrook, " A Good Review from Van Dieman's Land; a review of the Australian Industry Commission draft report on R&D", book review, Science and Public Policy, Vol. 22, #4, 1995
J.A.D.Holbrook, " The OECD is not the only game in town; a review of the European Report on Science and Technology Indicators, 1994", book review, Science and Public Policy, Vol.22, #3, 1995
J.A.D.Holbrook : "Basic Indicators of Technological Performance", Science and Public Policy, Vol. 19, #5, 1992.
J.A.D.Holbrook : "Why Measure Science?" Editorial introduction to a special issue of Science and Public Policy on S&T Indicators, Science and Public Policy, Vol. 19, #5, 1992.
J.A.D.Holbrook : "The Numbers Game; The Policy Dilemma", Proceedings of the Conference on Engineering Human Resources, Canadian Engineering Human Resources Board, Ottawa, 1991.
J.A.D.Holbrook : "Scale effect on R&D expenditures," Science and Public Policy, Vol. 18,
#4, 1991.
D.W.Campbell and J.A.D.Holbrook : "International Cooperation and the Development of Institutional Arrangements on Energy", Improving World Energy Production and Productivity, Proceedings of the International Energy Symposium II, 1981.
P.W.Cheng, N.D.Georganas, and J.A.D.Holbrook : "Kalman Estimations and Control of the Attitude of Dual Spin Geostationary Satellites", Proceedings of the 1975 Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (IEEE, Montreal,1975), IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol AES 13, #3, 1977
J.A.D.Holbrook : "The Application of Model Atmospheres to Synchronous Satellite Launches," Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute Transactions, Vol. 8, #l, 1974.
J.A.D.Holbrook : "The Application of Solar Flare Forecasts to Satellite Launches" Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute Journal, Vol. 20, #10, 1974.
G.F.Lyon and J.A.D.Holbrook : "The Focusing Effect of Satellite Radio Observations due to Travelling Ionospheric Disturbances", Space Research XII, Proceedings of the 14th COSPAR Plenary Meeting, 1971, Akademie Verlag, Berlin, 1972.
G.F.Lyon and J.A.D.Holbrook : "An Isolated Field Aligned Irregularity", Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 74, #16, 1969.
J.A.D.Holbrook and G.F.Lyon : "Irregularities in the Lower Ionosphere deduced from Beacon Satellite Observations", Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, Vol. 31, 1969
Media Articles
Adam Holbrook, "Pondering Canadian Competitive Advantage", Re$earch Money, p.8, Vol 21, #11, 3 July 2007
Adam Holbrook, (interviewed by Costensa Sturm ), "Chile : Tiene que entender cómo funciona su sistema de innovación", "Diario Financiero" (magazine), April 2007
Adam Holbrook, (interviewed by Didier Adès), <<Métiers du future>>, France Inter, Radio France, <<Rue des Entrepreneurs>>, 15 February 2006
Adam Holbrook, (interviewed by Lyndon McIntyre), "Underground Technology", "The Current", CBC Radio 1, 27 January 2006
Adam Holbrook, "Defining Clusters: A Popular Pastime", eSynapse, Innovation and Science Council of BC, August 2003
Adam Holbrook, "Innovation? In the Public Service?, Canadian Government Executive, pp. 22-25, Vol.1, #2, 2002
Adam Holbrook, "Correlation does not imply causation…", Re$earch Money, p.12, Vol 15, #19, 28 November 2001,
Adam Holbrook, "One size does not fit all…", Re$earch Money, p.8, Vol 15, #10, 13 June 2001