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IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Joint Chapter of the Vancouver/Victoria Sections

IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Distinguished Lecturer Program


System Level Design of Low Power Wireless Sensor Networks for Biomedical Applications




Speaker: Dr. Dinesh K. Bhatia

IEEE CAS Society Distinguished Lecturer
Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science
University of Texas at Dallas
Richardson, TX 75083
Email: dinesh AT



Date and Location

Thursday, August 2, 2007, 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm

ASB 10900: IRMACS Presentation Studio
Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6


Please click here for registration and webcast information.

PDF version of the lecture




Wireless sensor networks (WSN) will become prevalent in many applications that relate to ubiquitous computing. Integrating a large scale system based on WSN is a challenging task that requires efficient management of hardware as well as software resources. Building a robust and reliable system is a must requirement for using WSN in biomedical applications like tele-health and health monitoring. This talks presents system level issues that must be accounted for building a large scale low power network. The talk is illustrated using the construction of a large health monitoring system. Also, as is evidenced by recent industry trends, this talk will highlight how various companies are positioning themselves to exploit this technology.


Biography of Prof. Dinesh Bhatia


Dr. Dinesh Bhatia is on the faculty of Electrical Engineering Department at The University of Texas at Dallas. He directs research activities within the Embedded and Adaptive Computing Group and is also a member of Center for Integrated Circuits and Systems at the University of Texas at Dallas. He received a Bachelor's in Electrical Engineering from Regional Engineering College, Suratkal, India, and a MS and a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Texas at Dallas.

His research interests include all aspects of reconfigurable and adaptive computing, architecture and CAD for field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), physical design automation of VLSI Systems, biomedical electronics and systems, medical devices, natural energy scavenging and, applications of wireless sensor networks. His recent work on wireless sensor networks operating on scavenged energy is gaining importance in health care applications involving tele-medicine and remote health monitoring as well as in problems related to monitoring and alleviation of wood logging in forests. He has extensive experience in building large scale embedded and reconfigurable systems. Some of these activities include principal designer and investigator for RACE and NEBULA systems for Wright Laboratories of USAF, principal investigator for DARPA funded REACT program, Co-PI on AFRL funded SPARCs program and several more. He has collaborated on phase 1 and phase 2 SBIR programs to build product prototypes. He has published extensively in leading journals and conferences and continues to serve on program committees of several conferences. He is a senior member of IEEE, Computer Society, Circuits and Systems Society, Eta Kappa Nu, and recently served on the editorial board of IEEE Transactions on COMPUTERs. He is IEEE Circuits and Systems society’s distinguished lecturer for 2007.



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Please contact Dr. Jie Liang (Email: JieL at sfu dot ca) if you have any question.