FERTIL1.DES year educ meduc feduc age kids black east northcen west farm othrural town smcity y74 y76 y78 y80 y82 y84 agesq y74educ y76educ y78educ y80educ y82educ y84educ Obs: 1129 1. year 72 to 84, even 2. educ years of schooling 3. meduc mother's education 4. feduc father's education 5. age in years 6. kids # children ever born 7. black = 1 if black 8. east = 1 if lived in east at 16 9. northcen = 1 if lived in nc at 16 10. west = 1 if lived in west at 16 11. farm = 1 if on farm at 16 12. othrural = 1 if other rural at 16 13. town = 1 if lived in town at 16 14. smcity = 1 if in small city at 16 15. y74 = 1 if year = 74 16. y76 17. y78 18. y80 19. y82 20. y84 21. agesq age^2 22. y74educ y74*educ 23. y76educ 24. y78educ 25. y80educ 26. y82educ 27. y84educ