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STAT 350

Assignment 2: Solutions

  1. In this problem you will prove that


    is a density.

    1. Let tex2html_wrap_inline115 . Show that


      HINT: What is tex2html_wrap_inline119 in terms of I.


      We have


    2. Now if


      do the double integral J in polar co-ordinates ( tex2html_wrap_inline127 , tex2html_wrap_inline129 ) to show J=1.


      When you do an integral in polar co-ordinates you have to: replace each x in the integrand with tex2html_wrap_inline135 and each y with tex2html_wrap_inline139 , replace dxdy with tex2html_wrap_inline143 , and find the set of tex2html_wrap_inline145 values which correspond to the set of x,y values over which we are integrating. The Jacobian is the absolute value of the determinant filled up with derivatives of (x,y) with respect to r and tex2html_wrap_inline153 . This 2 by 2 matrix has determinant r. The value of r, being a distance from the origin is in the range 0 to tex2html_wrap_inline161 while the angle in the plane is measured over any interval of length tex2html_wrap_inline163 such as tex2html_wrap_inline165 . This makes


      The tex2html_wrap_inline169 integral gives tex2html_wrap_inline171 leaving


    3. Deduce that tex2html_wrap_inline175 is a density.


      All you have to do is prove that tex2html_wrap_inline177 and tex2html_wrap_inline179 . But tex2html_wrap_inline181 is clearly positive. Thus I>0 and since tex2html_wrap_inline185 we have I=1.

  2. Suppose tex2html_wrap_inline189 are independent tex2html_wrap_inline191 random variables, so that tex2html_wrap_inline193 with tex2html_wrap_inline195 independent standard normals.
    1. If tex2html_wrap_inline197 and tex2html_wrap_inline199 express X in the form AZ+b for a suitable matrix A and vector b.


      We have tex2html_wrap_inline209 and tex2html_wrap_inline211 .

    2. Show that X is tex2html_wrap_inline215 and identify tex2html_wrap_inline217 and tex2html_wrap_inline219 .


      The definition of MVN is that X be of the form AZ+b and then tex2html_wrap_inline225 and tex2html_wrap_inline227 . So tex2html_wrap_inline229 and tex2html_wrap_inline231 .

    3. Let tex2html_wrap_inline233 for i=1,2,3 and tex2html_wrap_inline237 . Show that tex2html_wrap_inline239 and find tex2html_wrap_inline241 and tex2html_wrap_inline243 .


    Let B be the matrix


    Then Y=BX so Y is tex2html_wrap_inline253 .

    Arithmetically we find




  3. Working with partitioned matrices. Suppose that the design matrix X is partitioned as tex2html_wrap_inline261 where tex2html_wrap_inline263 has tex2html_wrap_inline265 columns.
    1. Write tex2html_wrap_inline267 as a partitioned (3 rows, 3 columns) matrix.



    2. A matrix


      is called block diagonal. Show that tex2html_wrap_inline273 exists if and only if each tex2html_wrap_inline275 exists and that then tex2html_wrap_inline277 is block diagonal.


      Check by multiplying that


      This shows that if each tex2html_wrap_inline281 is invertible then so is A. To do the converse suppose that B is tex2html_wrap_inline287 and partition B into a tex2html_wrap_inline291 array with entries tex2html_wrap_inline293 . Multiply AB and set this equal to the identity. You get 9 equations like tex2html_wrap_inline297 and tex2html_wrap_inline299 . The first such equation shows that tex2html_wrap_inline301 must be invertible and that tex2html_wrap_inline303 must be the inverse of tex2html_wrap_inline305 . The second equation then shows (because we now know that A-1 is invertible that tex2html_wrap_inline309 .

    3. Suppose that tex2html_wrap_inline311 for i=1,2 and tex2html_wrap_inline315 . Show that tex2html_wrap_inline317 is block diagonal and give a formula for tex2html_wrap_inline319 .


      The conditions show that all the off-diagonal blocks are 0, remembering that tex2html_wrap_inline321 . Thus


    4. Suppose tex2html_wrap_inline325 is partitioned to conform with the partitioning of X (that is tex2html_wrap_inline329 is a scalar and tex2html_wrap_inline331 is a column vector of length tex2html_wrap_inline333 for i=1,2. Let tex2html_wrap_inline337 be obtained by fitting


      by least square, tex2html_wrap_inline341 be obtained by fitting


      and similarly for tex2html_wrap_inline345 . Let tex2html_wrap_inline347 be the usual least squares estimate for


      Show that tex2html_wrap_inline351 .


      Multiply out the partitioned matrix tex2html_wrap_inline353 to get


    5. Let tex2html_wrap_inline357 be the vectors of fitted values corresponding to the estimates tex2html_wrap_inline359 for i=1,2,3. Show that for tex2html_wrap_inline363 we have tex2html_wrap_inline365 .



      because the centre term tex2html_wrap_inline369 .

    6. For the design matrix tex2html_wrap_inline371 of the first assignment identify tex2html_wrap_inline373 and tex2html_wrap_inline375 and verify the orthogonality condition of this problem.


      In the solution set for assignment the first column of tex2html_wrap_inline377 is 1, the second is tex2html_wrap_inline381 and the other two columns are tex2html_wrap_inline383 . Now just multiply things like tex2html_wrap_inline385 to make sure you get 0.

  4. Page 321. Problem 7.33 parts a, b, e and f, 7.34 and 7.35 part a.


DUE: Monday, 27 January

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Richard Lockhart
Sun Feb 9 16:54:59 PST 1997