STAT 410 96-2 Assignment 10

  1. For the Stat Village data consider the first 4 blocks as a population -- there are 32 households in the population. The households are arranged in 3 rows across the page with 12 houses in the first row, 8 in the second, and 12 in the third. Numbering them from left to right in an individual row and then row by row from top to bottom compute:
    1. the variance of the sample mean for household employment income of a 1 in 4 systematic sample
    2. the variance of the sample mean (for the same variable) of a simple random sample of size 8
    3. the variance of the sample mean for household government income of a 1 in 4 systematic sample
    4. the variance of the sample mean for household government income of a simple random sample of size 8

  2. Now consider the sample of 6 blocks I drew for the midterm. Here is the raw data. In order to estimate the mean government income per household with the same accuracy as you obtained for a srs in asst 3, how many blocks would you have to sample? (Your answer will be approximate and based on various estimated variances.)

DUE: Friday, 26 July
