1 Eonomics 835 Spring 1995 D. Maki Final Examination There are three parts to this examination, each with two questions. Answer one question from each part (a total of three questions). All Parts are weighted equally. Total time allowed = four hours. This is a closed book examination - no books or notes are allowed. Part I. Answer question 1 or question 2. 1. A. Explain the meaning of the following terms: a. DFFITS b. bounds for parameters (regarding errors in variables in simple regression) c. structural equations versus reduced-form equations d. measuring multicollinearity e. Ramsey's test for homoskedasticity B. Explain how you would fit a piecewise linear regression function with two "knots" (at Xm and Xn) for a simple regression model: Y = f(X). (Some people would call this a "three-piece linear spline function.) How would you test whether each of the "kinks" actually exists? 2. Assume there are four models explaining Y: (A) Yt = b0+b1Yt-1+b2Xt+b3Xt-1 +b4Zt+b5Zt-1 +uA (B) Yt = b0+b1Yt-1+b2Xt +b4Zt +uB (C) Yt = b0+b1Yt-1+b2Xt-b1b2Xt-1+b4Zt-b1b4Zt-1+uC (D) Yt = b0 +b2Xt +b4Zt +uD Explain how you would test each of these models pairwise against all the others in an attempt to determine which model is "correct". Be explicit about how you would interpret the results of tests applied. Part II. Answer question 3 or question 4. 3. A. Explain the meaning of the following terms: a. cross validation b. grouping methods (regarding errors in variables) c. normalization (in simultaneous systems) d. Ridge regression e. Goldfeld and Quandt's test for homoskedasticity B. Assume you have micro data on a number of individuals, giving: Yi = annual expenditure on clothing, Xi = annual income; and you know which individuals are female, and which individuals are college graduates. How would you test the following using regression analysis: 2 (a) females spend more on clothing than do males, given income. (b) female college graduates spend more on clothing than do other females, given income. (c) the marginal propensity to spend income on clothing differs for females versus males. (d) the marginal propensity to spend income on clothing differs for female college graduates versus other females. Be explicit about how you would do the tests, given your specification. 4. Using quarterly data for the period 1950-1960, F. Brechling obtained the following demand function for labour for the British economy (standard errors in parentheses): (Et-Et-1) = 14.22 + 0.172Qt - 0.028t - 0.0007t2 - 0.297Et-1 (2.61) (0.014) (0.015) (0.0002) (0.033) Corrected R2 = 0.76, DW = 1.37 where E is employment, Q is output and t is time. The equation is based on the assumption that desired employment, E* is a function of Q, t and t2, and that (Et-Et-1) = k(Et*-Et-1), where k is the coefficient of adjustment. (a) interpret the equation in economic terms (b) what is the estimated value of k? (c) what is the long-run demand for labour function? (d) how would you test for serial correlation in the model? (e) how would you estimate the model if serial correlation were found to be present? Part III. Answer either question 5 or question 6. 5. A. Explain the meaning of the following terms: a. Plosser-Schwert-White differencing test b. errors in variables bias c. indirect least squares d. principal component regression e. Breusch and Pagan's test for homoskedasticity B. M. Nerlove used cross-sectional data for 1955 on 145 privately owned utilities in the U.S. to regress the logarithm of total cost on the logarithms of output, wage rate, price of capital and price of fuel. The estimated residuals produced a low Durbin-Watson statistic. The stylized graph of the residuals looks like: 3 log(output) What econometric problem is present, and how would you correct it? 6. G. Menges developed the following model of the West German economy: Yt = b0 + b1Yt-1 + b2It + u1t It = b3 + b4Yt + b5Qt + u2t Ct = b6 + b7Yt + b8Ct-1 + b9Pt + u3t Qt = b10 + b11Qt-1 + b12Rt + u4t where Y = national income, I = net capital formation, C = personal consumption, Q = profits, P = cost of living index, and R = industrial productivity. (a) which equations are under, just or over-identified by the order conditions? by the rank conditions? (b) is there any equation in the system where the coefficients can be consistently estimated by OLS? Explain. (c) is there an "economic reason" for including the variable P in the consumption function? Is there a "statistical reason" for doing so? (d) explain in detail how you would estimate the coefficients of the model.