Week 12
A Turning Point Problem

APMA 900 - Advanced Mathematical Methods

The Last Week:

03 December
oscillatory solution (code33.m)
outer solution (code35.m)

03 December
robust boundary-layer code (code27x.m)


Special Lectures on Fluid Mechanics:

Mike Shelley, NYU Courant Institute

Oil and water being mixed together, a gas bubble forming intricate patterns as it expands in a small gap, a flag flapping or leaf bending in a strong wind ... Each of these involves an interface that separates and interacts with surrounding fluid. All are examples of free-boundary problems, which as a class is one of the most important areas of fluid dynamical research. They are among the most difficult. Mathematically they involve the dynamics of fluids in time-dependent domains, where the domain boundaries can become complex and can exert forces on the fluid. I will lecture on several central, and off-beat, examples of dynamical free boundary problems, focusing especially on the sophisticated numerical methods that have been developed to simulate them, and what these simulations teach us.


Lecture #1:
Computing Free Boundary Problems in Moving Fluids
K9509, Thursday, November 22 at 10:30am
Lecture #2:
Computing with Surface Tension, and Discovering Singularities
EAA 1100, Friday, November 23 at 10:30am
Lecture #3:
Pattern Formation in Fluid Dynamics: Fluid Dynamics meets Materials Science
EAA 1100, Thursday, November 29 at 10:30am
Lecture #4:
Why do Flags Flap?
EAA 1100, Friday, November 30 at 10:30am
Lecture #5:
Bending in the Wind: Elasticity and Drag Reduction
EAA 1100, Friday, December 7 at 2:30pm