Vincent G. Krako
Box 57134 East Hastings P.O.
Vancouver, BC
V5K 5G6

30 June 1996

Premier Mike Harris
Office of the Premier
Legislative Building
Toronto, ON
M7A 1A1

Dear Premier Harris,

Way to go at the recent First Ministers conference! I really liked some of the points you made and your contribution to Canadian unity. The common sense work you and your team are doing in Ontario is an example for all other provinces and the nation. I am particularly interested in this Work Fair Program of yours. Who is your Minister of Social Services? He deserves the Order of Canada for taking such a bold and courageous policy move. I'd like to receive some information on this program. Perhaps one of your staff could forward my request.

Premier Harris, I am a small independent self-reliant businessman just like you. Was it a resort business you ran up there in North Bay? I'm into building and facilities maintenance myself. If this darn NDP government out here in Beautiful British Columbia would wise up and follow your lead, I'd be more than willing to hire on some Work Fair people. You may have to start at the bottom with a brush in your hand, but it beats bumming around being useless.

Well, as you can tell I'm a big fan of yours. My friends and relatives in Ontario rave about you continually. Mister popularity! Please send me information on business opportunities in your fair province and an autographed copy of your official Premier photo. I'm planning a trip out Sault Ste. Marie way this summer, how's the fishing in those blue Northern Ontario waters? Have a great Canada Day and remember that you've got my support 100% - count on it!

Stand up for free enterprise!
Stand up for hard work and money earned!


Vincent G. Krako

See the Premier's reply