Vincent G. Krako
P.O. Box 69323, Station K
Vancouver, BC
V5K 4W5

6 December 1991

Peter Mansbridge
News Department
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
P.O. Box 8478
Ottawa, ON
K1G 3J5

Dear Mr. Mansbridge,

You are a great anchor for The National and you have my support 100% - you bet! These news stories about you and David Halton wasting money by taking first class flights to Madrid are nothing but jealous lies. Lies by lesser journalistic lights who envy your professionalism and plumb assignments. Personally I was very glad to see you reporting live from the Middle East Peace Talks. Canadians need Canadian journalists abroad to give us reports and interpretations in line with our national characteristics and perspectives. You and your CBC colleagues did a superlative job. I hope to see you reporting from around the world in future. And if it takes first class flights to get you there - so be it!

I also saw you quoted in an article in The Vancouver Sun regarding baldness and the poor prospects in love and business experienced by balding men. What a joke! I'm bald and, like you, am at the top of my trade despite the lack of hair topside. And how about we ask your beautiful wife what she thinks of baldness? I like your attitude on this subject, Peter. You're a man to be admired. When the big stories break I turn to Mansbridge for the straight dope.

Well, as you can tell by now I'm big, big fan of yours. Do you think I could get your autographed publicity photo? You're one of my media heros and I want everybody to know it. Let me take this opportunity to wish you and Wendy a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thank you for taking the time to read my letter and for your consideration.

Stand up for press freedom!
Stand up for the CBC!
Peter Mansbridge - what a great guy!


Vincent G. Krako

See Peter Manbridge's reply