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Upcoming NSERC Grant Deadlines

All full grant applications must be accompanied by a fully signed SFU signature sheet and fully signed grant eligibility form (if applicable for Adjunct Professors, Postdoctoral Fellows and University Research Associates) and must be received by ors@sfu.ca by the listed internal deadline.

Both forms can be found here: http://www.sfu.ca/ors/forms.html

You can find a complete list of these grants on our website, http://www.sfu.ca/ors/fundingopportunities/fundingopportunities0/nserc-funding-alert.html . 

Subatomic Physics Major Resources Support (SAP-MRS) NOI
The objective of the Subatomic Physics Major Resources Support (SAP-MRS) Program is to facilitate the effective access by Canadian academic researchers, working in the field of subatomic physics, to major and unique national or international (based in Canada) experimental or thematic research resources by financially assisting these resources to remain in a state of readiness for researchers to use.

- Notice of Intent— due at the agency for 1 AUG 2016 not ORS. A SFU signature sheet is not required for the LOI, however a fully signed SFU signature sheet is due by the ORS internal deadline for the full application stage on 25 OCT 2016.
-Full application is due for the ORS internal deadline on 25 OCT 2016, applications must be in submit mode by this date in order to receive an internal review, the agency deadline is 1 NOV 2016 
- Find more information here: http://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/Professors-Professeurs/Grants-Subs/SPMRS-ARMPS_eng.asp

Ship Time Program
This Ship Time Program is aimed at all NSERC-funded researchers who intend to use a vessel for their Discovery Grant-supported research in the coming years.

- ORS internal deadline 25 AUG 2016, application must be in submit mode by this date in order to receive an internal review. The  agency deadline 1 SEP 2016
- Find more information here: http://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/Professors-Professeurs/Grants-Subs/ST-TN_eng.asp

Idea to Innovation Grants
The objective of the Idea to Innovation (I2I) Grants  is to accelerate the pre-competitive development of promising technology originating from the university and college sector and promote its transfer to a new or established Canadian company. 

IMPORTANT NOTE:  These competitions require assistance from the Innovation Office ~60 days in advance of agency deadlines. 
Please contact (sfuio@sfu.ca) to discuss your technology.

- ORS internal deadline is 26 SEP 2016 and applications must be in submit mode by this date in order to receive an internal review. The agency deadline is 3 OCT 2016.
- There are four annual applications for this competition.
- Find more information here: http://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/Professors-Professeurs/RPP-PP/I2I-INNOV_eng.asp

Collaborative Health Research Projects—CIHR Partnered
The CHRP Initiative funding supports innovative, interdisciplinary, collaborative research projects, requiring participation from the natural sciences or engineering community together with the health sciences community. 

- The LOI deadline for this funding opportunity was 24 MAY 2016.
- ORS deadline for full application (by invitation only) is 27 SEP 2016 and applications must be in submit mode by this date in order to receive and internal review. The agency deadline is 4 OCT 2016
- Find more information here: https://www.researchnet-recherchenet.ca/rnr16/vwOpprtntyDtls.do?prog=2432&view=currentOpps&type=EXACT&resultCount=25&sort=program&all=1&masterList=true#top

Thank you.