There are a number of typos in the first edition of:

The Early History of Financial Economics, 1478-1776

This page has the most up to date listing of the errors which have been found to date (Jan. 1, 2002).

Where applicable, omitted words or spelling corrections are indicated in Bold Font

p. x and p.37: The title of Table 2.1 is: "Prices of Venetian prestiti, 1309-1502" (delete and yields)

Chapter 1

p.4, line 7: "... activities such as arbitraging prices ..."

Chapter 2

p.44, line 15: "... assemble according to their ..."
p.49, line 11: "... with the sole objective of ..."
p.55, line 11, "... consideration of the age of the nominee."
p.66, Table 2.2: Underneath the heading "Estimated Fair Value" insert the units, (Years' Purchase)
p.67, Table 2.3: In the headings, "Ratio of Fair Value" has to be shifted to the right to appear directly above "Value to Price"

Chapter 3

p. 78, textbox: "Politics" needs to be in italics, not underlined
p.108, 4th line from the bottom: "... debated the ethical undercurrents ..."

Chapter 4

p.113: Font after "Preface" in the header quote is wrong size.

Chapter 5

p. 156, 4th line after equation: "where the denominator ...:
p.160, line 20: "... written sources in order ..."
p.161, line 2 of the direct quote: "... I ask you at what ..."
p.162, line 17: "... Merchant apprentices ..."
p.162, line 26: "... observations appear to call ..."
p.165, 8 lines into the new section: "... Snellius ..."
p.169, 11 lines from bottom: "... the book the ..." needs to be "... the book ...", deleting the
p.172, line 2: "to Thomas Fisher's ..."
p.176, 3rd line in the Compound Interest Calculations section: "... by the end of the 17th century ..."
p.184, n.9, 4 lines after the equation: "... for arriving at ..."
p.185, n.16, line 3: delete "... the end of ..."

Chapter 6

p.192, 8 lines from bottom: "... Graunt also is of some ..."
p.193, first line after textbox: "... christenings ..."
p.200, line 5: "... set off to study ..."
p.206, second line from bottom: delete "... initial ..."
p.211, third line of first paragraph, the w-x subscript on d_{w-x} has to be changed to w - 1 to produce d_{w-1} [Thanks Dan]
p.212, Table 6.1: Insert (Years' Purchase) below "... Expectation of a Life Annuity ..."
p.212, Table 6.1: Change "Expectation of Life Annuity" to "Present Value of a Life Annuity". Note: Alter and Riley do not give the interest rate which was used to calculate the present values.
p.214, line 3: "... improve the accuracy ..."
p.216, equation for the expected value of the life annuity at the bottom of the page: change t=1 to n=1 under the summation sign and change the subscript on d to x+n. The result is the same as that given on p.211.
p.217, last three equations, there is a minus sign missing for the whole expression. The > 0 result is correct, only a negative sign has been omitted at each step. The mistake is evident by comparing the definitions with the first line of the equations. To arrive at the desired result, the numerator in the expression in the last line of the equation comparing the life annuity price with the annuity certain price will always be negative. Combined with the missing negative sign, the positive sign for the difference is confirmed.
Thanks Tae!
p.221, third line from bottow: 0 is not properly aligned with rest of column

Chapter 7

p.237, line 23: "... likely originate from ..."
p.262, 2nd quote, line 7: "... at the Bank of ..."

Chapter 8

p.270, lines 2-3: "... stock and bonds by modern corporations." (delete used)
p.271, line 7: "... this form of business ..."
p.277, second line from bottom of quote in textbox: "... delayed, others to have ..."
p.277, line 8 from bottom: "... required to banning ..." needs to be changed to "... banned ..."
p.279, 2nd line after quote: delete "... securities trading ..."
p.291, first line after quote at top of page: "... more a polemic than a ..."
p.291, first full quote, line 5: "... have property in the funds ..."
p.302, line 27: ".. power over activities ..." delete the comma.
p.305, textbox: the number for Redeemable Government Stock is not in proper column alignment. The number needs to be shifted right.
p.309, quote, line 6: delete the repetition of "... to all subscribers on ..."
p.315, 4th line from bottom: "... making use of ..."
p.318, line 12: "... because it was better ..."
p.333, n.30 and n.31: There is an unintended repetition of the same information in these footnotes.

Chapter 9

p.344, textbox, second line after title: "... the discussion in de Pinto ..."
p.345, last line: delete the last word, a
p.347, line 11 from bottom: "... for completion of transactions in the event ..."
p.348, first line after textbox: "... instance of a stock option ..."
p.356, heading: "The Pricing of Forward and Options Contracts"
p.361: Delete the space after the first paragraph.
p.378, n.3, line 7: "... hedge portfolios ..."
p.381, n.21, line 3: "... intimately connected ..."

Chapter 10

p.387, line 4: "... a number of de la ..."
p.397, end of first full paragraph, there is a period missing.
p.403, line 24: "were heavily reliant ..."

Chapter 11

p.419, line 22: "sophistication of interest rate ..."
p.422, line above the quote from Blaug: "... views on mercantilism ... "
p.435, second line from bottom: "... theology, possibly a better ..."
p.437, line 29: "... and in others remarkably ..."
p.438, first line in quote: "... public borrowing) as ..." (delete as)
p.443, line 3: " ... the unwise collection and ..."

Chapter 13

p.487, second line from bottom, "Since Jevons's rehabilitation ... "
p.493,n.2: The 'David principle' is better known as "The Matthew Effect" introduced by Robert K. Merton, the sociologist of science. Accessible references include: "The Matthew Effect in Science", Science , Jan. 5, 1968: 56-63 and "The Matthew Effect in Science, II", Isis 79: 606-23 (1988).

Bibliographic Notes

p.495, 10 lines from bottom: "is required to ..."
p.495, 7 lines from bottom "... to many of the ..." (delete the)
p.498, line 5: "Though full of ..."


Anderson (1764) needs to be inserted.
p.504: "De Marchi" and "de Marchi" refer to the same person. The spelling using capital D is taken from the usage in this article.
p.507: The title for Green, W. is underlined when italics is indicated.
p.508: Heaton has the title underlined when italics is indicated.
p.509: Keynes has a carriage return where none is indicated. p.511: Neal (1990) has to be changed to Neal (1990a) and Neal (1990b).


p.526: "Snellius, Rudolph 133, 165, 484." (change spelling and add page 133, 484).