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[linux-security] bind DoS vulnerability

named is vulnerable to denial of service (DoS) attack.

Problem Description
A bug in bind 8.2.2_P5 allows for a denial of service attack.
If named is open to zone transfers and recursive resolving, it will crash
after a ZXFR for the authoritative zone and a query of a remote hostname.

Affected Systems
All Unix systems that act as a nameserver and run the named daemon.

Disabling zone transfers to non-trusted hosts by adding
allow-transfer { trusted-hosts; };
to /etc/named.conf prevents the exploit from working on older releases,
however, this does not fix the problem.

upgrade to bind-8.2.2-P7

RedHat 6.x
rpm -Fvh bind-8.2.2_P7-0.6.2.i386.rpm bind-devel-8.2.2_P7-0.6.2.i386.rpm bind-utils-8.2.2_P7-0.6.2.i386.rpm 

RedHat 7.0
rpm -Fvh bind-8.2.2_P7-1.i386.rpm bind-devel-8.2.2_P7-1.i386.rpm bind-utils-8.2.2_P7-1.i386.rpm