
Software Used:

- Processing for programming, Isadora for images and videos, Max/MSP for sound, and Maya for 3D images

Sensors and Interaction

- Audio-visual system output acts as creative catalyst for improvised movement performance.

- The system affords many possibilities for exploring metaphors linking physical movement and "movement through the mind".

- We have identified walker-based motion sensing as a poetic, intuitive interaction method. (Kinect-based direct interaction with FNN has also been prototyped)

Fictional Neural network (FNN):

- This production is constructed through a Fictional Neural Network (FNN) that represent's Mabel's mind.

- Connections are bi-directional

- Connection weights are assigned for each link & direction

- Spreading Activation: Random walk is influenced by recently activated concepts

Network Simulation of Reminiscence and Dementia

- Semantic web + episodic/perceptual nodes

Principles: Spreading activation, priming, associative memory, attention

Weighted random walk, biased by the 'landscape' of recent activation

Investigating simple strategies for auto-weighting links

Initial simulation of dementia consists of gradually deleting nodes from the network

Sound System (Max/MSP)

- Three sections: First two sections are controlled manually (Music and Ambient Sounds).

- The third one is contolled through Processing - each sound is associated with a word and a image.