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September 24, 2001

Dear Norman,

I liked your article, but I'm not sure whether I'd say philosophy is a sort of "blood sport." Certainly many phil. profs I knew were not exactly what corporate America might be looking for when it tries to recruit "people-people," but this aspect of the profession is something I envy about it. As I look for employment and surf through long internet job ads telling me I should not only be skilled, but should be something akin to the image of Mary Poppins ("Cheerful," "Energetic," a "Self-Starter," a "Multi-Tasker"), I look back on philosophy and I wish I had gotten a graduate degree so I could go through a job application process that is truly based on merit (not bullshit) and enjoy colleagues who are being paid to be philosophers (not Poppinses.)


Jane B. Doe

Note: the author's name and address have been withheld at her request. —Norman Swartz

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