Possible Worlds: An introduction to Logic and Its Philosophy

Copyright © Raymond Bradley and Norman Swartz, 2010
Answers to exercises on pages 30, 35 and 40-41

Exercise on page 30

Question: Can two propositions be contraries as well as contradictories of one another? Explain your answer.

Answer: No. Suppose that G and H are contraries of one another. Then (according to the definition of "contrariety" [see top of page 29]) they cannot both be true (i.e. ~(G & H)) but they can both be false (i.e. (~G & ~H)). But contradictories cannot both be false (that is, there is no possible world in which they are both false; in each possible world, they have opposite truth-values). Thus no propositions which are contraries of one another are also contradictories of one another.

Exercise on page 35
  1. "Q is a false implication of P" means that Q is false and that Q is an implication of P.
    In symbols:
    ~Q & (P Q)
    "It is false that P implies Q" means that P does not imply Q.
    In symbols:
    ~(P Q)
  2. Let
    "J" = "Jean Chretien [the former Prime Minister of Canada] has more than 29 children."
    "K" = "Jean Chretien [the former Prime Minister of Canada] has more than 18 children."
    K is a false implication of J. That is, K is false, and J implies K, i.e.
    ~K & (J K)
  3. Let
    "M" = "Jean Chretien owns a bicycle."
    "N" = "Margaret Thatcher likes to arrange flowers."
    It is false that the former implies the latter, i.e.
    ~(M N)
Exercises on pages 40-41

  • a is inconsistent with iv

  • c is inconsistent with i
  • c is inconsistent with ii
  • c is inconsistent with iii
  • c is inconsistent with iv
  • c is inconsistent with v

  • a is consistent with i
  • a is consistent with ii
  • a is consistent with iii
  • a is consistent with v

  • b is consistent with i
  • b is consistent with ii
  • b is consistent with iii
  • b is consistent with iv
  • b is consistent with v

  • d is consistent with i
  • d is consistent with ii
  • d is consistent with iii
  • d is consistent with iv
  • d is consistent with v

  • e is consistent with i
  • e is consistent with ii
  • e is consistent with iii
  • e is consistent with iv
  • e is consistent with v
  • a implies i
  • a implies ii
  • a implies iii

  • b implies i

  • c implies i
  • c implies ii
  • c implies iii
  • c implies iv
  • c implies v

  • d implies i

  • e implies i
  • e implies v

  • a is equivalent to iii

  • b is equivalent to i

  • d is equivalent to i

2a.   A is inconsistent with B.

2b.   C is consistent with D.

2c.   E is self-inconsistent.

3a.   Inconsistency is a modal relation: it has to do with the way in which the truth-values of a pair of propositions are distributed across the members of the sets of all possible worlds. It is not a feature that is restricted to (or unique to) the actual world.

3b.   Implication is a modal relation: it has to do with the way in which the truth-values of a pair of propositions are distributed across the members of the sets of all possible worlds. It is not a feature that is restricted to (or unique to) any particular world (e.g. to the world described in Time Enough for Love).