Continuation Passing Style in Scheme

Continuation passing style, or CPS for short, is a way of writing programs that has proven useful as an intermediate form in compiling functional languages such as Scheme. Using CPS, things like order of evaluation and temporary variables are made explicit.

Example: 2*3 + 1

Suppose you want to evaluate the expression \(2 \cdot 3 + 1\) in Scheme. The normal way of doing this is with the expression (+ (* 2 3) 1). Notice two things about this expression:

  • (* 2 3) evaluates to 6, and this 6 must be temporarily stored in memory
  • the operators are not evaluated in the order they appear syntactically; instead, in this expression the * is evaluated before the +

Now lets evaluate \(2 \cdot 3 + 1\) using CPS. We’ll do this by first creating CPS versions of the + and * functions. The basic idea of CPS is that every function f will take one extra parameter, which we will call k, that will be called on the result of f instead of returning a value. For example, here is a CPS version of +:

(define (+c x y k)
    (k (+ x y)))

In this function, k is a continuation, i.e. a function that takes one input and returns one input. The continuation k contains the code that will be executed after (+ x y) is calculated.

To call it, you can do something like this:

> (+c 2 3 (lambda (x) x))
;Value: 5

The continuation in this example is (lambda (x) x), i.e. the identity function that does nothing but return its input unchanged. This is actually quite handy with continuations, so we will define id like this:

(define (id x) x)

So now we can write:

> (+c 2 3 id)
;Value: 5

Here’s a CPS version of multiplication:

(define (*c x y k)
    (k (* x y)))

Again, the idea is that the result of (* x y) is passed to the continuation k instead of being returned directly.

Now, let’s combine these to make a CPS version of \(2 \cdot 3 + 1\). It is helpful to write down the normal version to use as a guide:

(+ (* 2 3) 1)

The idea is to first call *c, and then pass that to a continuation that adds 1:

(define k (lambda (x) (+ x 1)))   ;; the continuation

(define a (*c 2 3 k))

Evaluate this in Scheme and you’ll see a has the correct value 7. Instead of naming k explicitly, it is common to write it as a lambda function directly in the expression in being calculated, e.g.:

(define b
    (*c 2 3 (lambda (x)    ;; k replaced by its lambda function
                (+ x 1))

In English, it could be read like this:

Multiply 2 by 3, and store the result in x. Then add 1 to x and return that as the final result.

Note that we don’t call +c because there is nothing that occurs after the addition.

Example: 1*2 + 3*4

Now lets try writing \(1 \cdot 2 + 3 \cdot 4\) in CPS style. First, we’ll write the normal Scheme style to use as a guide:

(+ (* 1 2) (* 3 4))

When you evaluate this, logically it does not matter if you evaluate (* 1 2) first or (* 3 4) first. However, CPS forces us to decide which one to evaluate first, so lets start with (* 1 2). Now we can write it in CPS style:

(define c
    (*c 1 2 (lambda (m12)
             (*c 3 4 (lambda (m34)
                      (+ m12 m34)))))

Here’s how you can read this in English:

Multiply 1 by 2, and stored the result in m12. Then multiply 3 by 4 and store that result in m34. Finally, return the result of adding m12 and m34.

Notice that the order in which the operations are called is the order in which they are evaluated, and that all temporary storage locations have been given an explicit name.

The final call to + is not a continuation, since there is nothing that happens after the addition in this example.

Example: 1 + 2 + 3 + … + n = n(n + 1)/2

Recall that \(1 + 2 + 3 + \ldots + n = \frac{n(n+1)}{2}\). Here is a regular Scheme function that evaluates this formula:

(define (S n)
    (/ (* n (+ n 1)) 2))

To implement this as a CPS function, we’ll need a CPS version of /:

(define (/c x y k)
    (k (/ x y)))

Now we can write this CPS version:

(define (S-c n k)
    (+c n 1 (lambda (np1)
             (*c n np1 (lambda (num)
                        (/c num 2 k))))))

In English:

First, add 1 to n, and store the result in a variable named np1. Then multiply n by np1, and store that in num. Finally, divide num by 2 and call the continuation k on that result.

Use the id identity function defined above, we can call it like this:

> (S-c 3 id)
;Value: 6

> (S-c 10 id)
;Value: 55

You can, of course, replace id with any other continuation function you like, i.e. any function that takes one input and returns one output.

Example: 1 + 2 + 3 + … + n Recursively

Another way to calculate \(1 + 2 + 3 + \ldots + n\) is to use a recursive function. In regular Scheme style we could do it like this:

(define (recsum n)
    (if (= n 0)
        (+ n (recsum (- n 1)))))

To write this in CPS, we’ll need a couple of more basic CPS functions:

(define (=c x y k)
    (k (= x y)))

(define (-c x y k)
    (k (- x y)))

Now we can write it like this:

(define (recsum-c n k)
    (=c n 0 (lambda (b)
             (if b
                 (k 0)
                 (-c n 1 (lambda (nm1)
                          (recsum-c nm1 (lambda (rs)
                                         (+c n rs k)))))))))

At first sight, this functions looks quite the mess! But if you read through it line by line, it spells out the computations in the order they are done. It is a little bit like assembly language, but written in a functional style.

Here’s how you can call recsum-c:

> (recsum-c 3 id)
;Value: 6

> (recsum-c 10 id)
;Value: 55

Example: factorial

(define (fact n)                ;; normal
    (if (= n 0)
        (* n (fact (- n 1)))))

(define (fact-c n k)            ;; CPS
    (=c n 0 (lambda (b)
            (if b
                (k 1)
                (-c n 1 (lambda (nm1)
                         (fact-c nm1 (lambda (f)
                                      (*c n f k)))))))))

Example: member

(define (member x lst)                 ;; normal
        ((null? lst)
        ((equal? x (car lst))
            (member x (cdr lst)))))

(define (member-c x lst k)             ;; CPS
    (null?-c lst (lambda (bn)
                  (if bn
                      (k #f)
                      (car-c lst (lambda (cal)
                                  (equal?-c x cal (lambda (ex)
                                                  (if ex
                                                      (cdr-c lst (lambda (cdl)
                                                                  (member-c x cdl k))))))))))))

Call with Current Continuation

Scheme comes with a remarkable function for dealing with continuations named call-with-current-continuation, or sometimes call/cc for short. It’s an extremely powerful feature, allowing you to implement control features such as exceptions, coroutines, threads, undo, or non-deterministic programming (see below!).

Essentially, call/cc provides a “snapshot” of the current state of a running Scheme program. The input to call/cc is a single function f, i.e. you use call/cc by writing (call/cc f). The function f takes one input which we will call k. k is the current continuation for the program, and f can do whatever it wants with k. For example, you could implement an undo feature by putting k on a list and calling it at some later time.

As another an example of what call/cc can do, take a look at non- deterministic programming in Scheme. While this is quite intriguing, it is not efficient enough in practice to be useful for much more than toy problems. Plus, some programmers feel that call/cc is too powerful, and is in fact is a major Scheme flaw that the language would be better without.