8 Queens: Calculate different ways it is possible to put eight queens on a chess board

Both iterative and recursive implementations are given

The recursive version takes 3 times more than iterative version to complete. Let me know in the comments below if the recursive version can be improved.
def possible(row,col): #checks whether placing a queen in the specified row and column is possible
    for i in xrange(8):
        if board[row][i] == 1 or board[i][col] == 1:    #check horizontally and vertically
            return False
    r, c = row, col             #The rest is for checking diagonally
    while r <= 7 and c <= 7:
        if board[r][c] == 1:
            return False
        r += 1
        c += 1
    r, c = row, col
    while r >= 0 and c >= 0:
        if board[r][c] == 1:
            return False
        r -= 1
        c -= 1
    r, c = row, col
    while r >= 0 and c <= 7:
        if board[r][c] == 1:
            return False
        r -= 1
        c += 1
    r, c = row, col
    while r <= 7 and c >= 0:
        if board[r][c] == 1:
            return False
        r += 1
        c -= 1
    return True

####Iterative Version####

def removeLastQ(count,coor,board):  #remove the last queen off the stack
    z = coor.pop() 
    board[z[0]][z[1]] = 0
    count[0] -= 1

board = [ [ 0 for i in xrange(8)] for i in xrange(8)] #create an 8x8 board. 0 represents no Queen, 1 represents Queen
coor = []           #stores row and column of queens
count = [0]         #number of Queens so far (it's represented as an array of length 1 to allow for modification in the 
		    #removeLastQ function)
sol_count =  0      #number of solutions found so far
r,c = 0, 0          #row, column

while True:
    if possible(r,c):
        board[r][c] = 1 #place a queen at row r and column c
        count[0] += 1
        if r < 7: #we are not in the last row
            r += 1
            c = 0
        else:   #we are in the last row
            if count[0] == 8: #A solution has been found
                for i in board:
                    print i
                print   #extra empty line to separate solutions
                sol_count += 1
            if c<7: #in the last row but not in the last column
                removeLastQ(count, coor, board)
                c += 1
            else:   #in the last row and last column
                r = coor[-1][0]
                c = coor[-1][1] + 1 #coor[-1][1] refers to the column part of coor[-1]
                removeLastQ(count, coor, board)
    else:   #not possible to place a Queen
        if c<7:
        else:   #while loop is on the last column
            row, col = coor[-1][0], coor[-1][1]
            if col < 7: #col is column of last-put Queen
                r = row
                c = col + 1
            else: #the most recent queen was put in the last column
                removeLastQ(count, coor, board)
                if len(coor) == 0: #termination check
                r = coor[-1][0]
                c = coor[-1][1] + 1
            removeLastQ(count, coor, board)    
print "Number of Solutions Found:", sol_count

####Recursive Version####

#uses the function 'possible' (defined at the top) with an extra argument for the 'board'

def countQis8(board):   #checks whether number of Queens of the board is 8
    for row in board:
        flag = False    #'flag' is added for efficiency, so if a row doesn't have a queen it doesn't continue checking other rows
        for col in row:
            if col == 1:
                flag = True
        if not flag:
            return False
    return True

def eightQ(board, row):
    global sol_count
    if row == 8 and countQis8(board):   # 'row == 8' is added for efficiency
        sol_count += 1
        for i in board:
            print i
    for r in range(row, 8):
        for c in range(8):
            b = [ k[:] for k in board ] #This makes a copy of the board
            if possible(r, c, b): 
                b[r][c] = 1
                eightQ(b, r+1)

board = [ [ 0 for i in xrange(8)] for i in xrange(8) ] #create an 8x8 board. 0 represents no Queen, 1 represents Queen
sol_count =  0

eightQ(board, 0)
print "Number of Solutions Found:", sol_count