Mike Harrower, BA, 1998

After graduating from SFU in the spring of 1998 with a Bachelor of Arts (major in Archaeology and minor in Quaternary Studies) I spent a year working for archaeological consulting companies throughout British Columbia. I'm currently a master's student in the Department of Anthropology at Ohio State University. I'm employed as a graduate research associate for the Roots of Agriculture in Southern Arabia (RASA) archaeological-paleoecological research project. We traveled to Yemen for 3 months of field research from January to March 2000 and plan to return in the winter of 2001.

Picture 1: Ahmed (a Yemeni Soldier) and I find some shade.
You can see a Neolithic (~5000-6000 year old)
hearth embedded in the silt cut bank just above my head.

Picture 2: The sand and the sun.
Here I'm using a Global Positioning System (GPS) backpack to record the location of one of the Neolithic
(~5000-6000 year old) house structures that we excavated.

Visit our research project web site: