Valentina Martinoia Zamolo

PhD Candidate, Michael Richards

Areas of interest

Stable isotope analysis, childhood diet, Prehistory


  • MA: (2020) Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna (Italy), Faculty of Archaeology
  • BA Hons: (2018) Sapienza University of Rome (Italy), Faculty of Archaeology

PhD Research 

Childhood feeding habits are influenced by environmental and socio-economic factors, as well as by the knowledge, attitudes, and systems of thought of a community. Childhood diet is therefore a useful tool to investigate various socio-cultural practices of postnatal care and assist and potential sex and/or gender differentiations among children in past populations.

For these reasons, my PhD research aims to investigate ancient subadult diet and potential stigmas in sociocultural practices of postnatal care and assist throughout the Neolithic (ca. 6000-3000 BP) in Croatia. Specifically, I am using carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analysis of bone and dentin collagen and compound-specific isotope analysis of individual amino acids, which will give me a close insight into the childhood dietary practices of various prehistoric Croatian communities.

BA Honours Thesis

Bioarchaeology of the subadults from the Iron Age necropolis of Pizzoli, L'Aquila (Italy).

MA Thesis

Reconstructing the infant diet of the individuals from the Bronze Age cave of Bezdanjača (HR) using stable isotope analysis (δ13C and δ15N)


Institute for Anthropological Research – Center for Applied Bioanthropology, Zagreb (HR).


[2021] V. Martinoia, S. Benazzi, S. Radović, M. Carić. - Reconstructing the childhood diet of the individuals from the Bronze Age Bezdanjača Cave, Croatia (ca. 1430-1290 BCE) using stable C and N isotope analysis of dentin collagen. Journal of Bioanthropology 1(1): 42-56.

[2021] M.E. Bertoli, V. Martinoia. - Studio preliminare di alcuni contesti funerari nel territorio della provincia di Udine dal Neolitico al III secolo d.C. / Preliminary study of some funerary contexts in the territory of the province of Udine from the Neolithic to the 3rd century AD. Gortania (Geologia, Paleontologia, Paletnologia) (43): 143-156.

[2019] V. Martinoia, P. Saccheri, L. Travan, L. Passera. - Gemona del Friuli - Storie dall'ossario del Duomo. Archeologia Viva (198): 30-39.

Conference Presentations

[2021] Bertoli M.E. & Martinoia V. Analisi preliminare di alcuni contesti funerari nel territorio dell’attuale ex provincia di Udine dal Neolitico al III secolo d.C.

Poster presented at: Convegno Nazionale di Studi (Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Archeologici). Padova (Italy), 20-22 December.



In Dr. Richards’ isotope lab at SFU.
At the Institute for Anthropological Research (Zagreb, Croatia).
Incremental sampling in the Isotope Lab at SFU.