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Teaching Assistant Opportunities
SFU's Beedie School of Business welcomes qualified graduate and undergraduate students to apply for Teaching Assistant, Open Lab Assistant, and Marker positions (abbreviated as "TA" on the rest of this page). Students must re-apply and be selected for TA positions each term.
When you apply, please have considered all relevant commitments for the semester so that you can budget the time necessary for a TA position. Positions are offered in increments of base units. One base unit will require up to a maximum of 40.9 hours of work. Generally, a person will not be offered more than 5 base units, or a maximum of 204.5 hours. For example, a 5 base unit position (maximum of 204.5 hours over the term) would be about 16 hours per week.
Base Units | Approximate Weekly Hours | Max Total Hours |
1 | 4 | 40.9 |
2 | 7 | 81.8 |
3 | 10 | 122.7 |
4 | 13 | 163.6 |
5 | 16 | 204.5 |
If you have any questions, please contact Christopher Piché, TA Coordinator: tacoord@sfu.ca or (778) 782-3500
Job description
Courses with tutorial components (Teaching Assistant - TA)
- The initial and ongoing preparation of facilitating and leading regular tutorials each week for a semester and all related duties assigned or required for the effective conduct of the tutorial and instruction
- Keen to assist students and the ability to provide constructive written or oral feedback on work submitted by students in the course
- Must be available for: lectures, tutorials, office hours, invigilation & marking of midterms and finals, where applicable
Courses with open lab components (Teaching Assistant - Open Lab Assistant)
- Facilitating regular open laboratories each week for a semester and all related duties assigned or required for the effective conduct of the open lab and instruction
- Keen to assist students and the ability to provide constructive written or oral feedback on work submitted by students in the course
- Must be available for: lectures, labs, office hours, invigilation & marking of midterms and finals, where applicable
Courses without tutorial components (Teaching Assistant - Marker)
- No direct classroom contact is assigned. Each assigned base unit (each base unit estimated to approach but not exceed forty-two (42) hours of work) shall comprise an amount of marking or other duties related to instruction
- Strong ability to provide constructive written feedback on work submitted by students in the course
- Must be available for marking of assignments, midterms and finals
Courses with tutorial components (Teaching Assistant - TA)
- Sufficient knowledge in the discipline of the course to interpret the course material (please refer to the SFU Academic Calendar and course outlines)
- Sufficient written and oral communication skills, including leading discussions and encouraging questions
- Good time management and lecture-tutorial content coordination skills
- Familiarity with MS Word and Excel
Courses with open lab components (Teaching Assistant - Open Lab Assistant)
- Sufficient knowledge in the discipline of the course to interpret the course material (please refer to the SFU Academic Calendar and course outlines)
- Sufficient written and oral communication skills
- Good time management skills
- Familiarity with MS Word and Excel
Courses without tutorial components (Teaching Assistant – Marker)
- Sufficient knowledge in the discipline of the course to interpret the course material (please refer to the SFU Academic Calendar and course outlines)
- Sufficient written and oral communication skills
- Good time management skills
- Familiarity with MS Word and Excel
Appointment priority
Priority for appointment/reappointment as a Teaching Assistant, Open Lab Assistant, or Marker is in accordance with Article XIII, F. Appointment Priority of the SFU/TSSU Collective Agreement.
In allocating TAs, the department will also take into account:
- Instructor requests;
- Applicant preferences;
- Amount of financial support offered on admission to the graduate program;
- Suitability for particular courses (e.g. discipline of prior degree(s), publications, experience);
- Employment evaluations;
- Number of base units already received to ensure sufficient teaching-related experience in their field of study.
If an assignment within a priority group requires a selection between applicants, the graduate student without financial support from merit based scholarships or merit based fellowships during the semester of appointment with a value equal to at least a 5.17 base unit appointment, will have priority for the appointment.
Application process
Important: Please use Firefox, Chrome, or Safari as your browser to complete the application. If you have any questions, please contact Christopher Piché, TA Coordinator: tacoord@sfu.ca or (778) 782-3500.