Undergraduate Case Competitions

Analyze real-world business problems


Take your skills to the next level by participating in case competitions. As a competitor, you will apply your studies directly to complex, real-world business challenges, pushing your analytical and problem-solving abilities under high-pressure conditions.

Challenge yourself, expand your network, and enhance your career prospects through the world of case competitions while developing key skills that stand out in today’s competitive job market.

  • Critical thinking
  • Strategic insight
  • Leadership skills
  • Teamwork
  • Presentation skills
  • Resilience

Competing also allows you to grow your network by engaging with peers, industry professionals, and potential employers, opening doors to future opportunities. Whether you are passionate about finance, marketing, sustainability, or entrepreneurship, or business strategy, SFU Beedie’s case competitions will help you sharpen your edge, preparing you to make a real impact in the business world.

How to get involved

  • Internal case competitions: Our internal case competitions are a perfect introduction to the world of competitive case analysis. These events happen close to our campuses and provide a platform for students to apply classroom knowledge in a supportive environment. Learn More
  • External case competitions: Building on your internal competition experience, external case competitions offer students the chance to compete against peers from other institutions at regional, national, and international levels. These competitions present more complex challenges and provide a broader networking opportunity. Learn More
  • Training: We offer foundational skill building programs including the Case Competition Training Program (CCTP) and Advanced Case Training Program (ACTP) to support your learning, development and to provide a space for practice and feedback. These programs allow you to build building blocks before your next competition. Learn More
  • Volunteer: Students, alumni, and industry professionals are key partners in the success of our competitions. If you are interested in supporting case competitions with operations, coaching, or judging visit the volunteer page.

Recent successes

2024: JDC West


International Business, Business Technology Management, and Business Strategy


Entrepreneurship; The Challenge (Formerly Social Category), School of the Year and Academic School of the Year



2024: International Case Competitions


Milgard Invitational Case Competition on Social Responsibility (MICCSR), hosted by the University of Washington, Tacoma


Inter-Collegiate Business Competition (I.C.B.C.), hosted by Queen's University (Business Strategy stream)


International Case Competition at Maastricht University (ICC@M)

2023: JDC West


School of the Year, Academic School of the Year, Athletics, The Challenge (Formerly Social Category), Entrepreneurship


Finance, International Business, Operations, Marketing, Business Technology Management



2023: International Case Competitions


24-hour case - Central European Case Competition (CECC), hosted by Corvinus University


Business and Management Case Competition (BMCC), hosted by Universidad Panamericana


Lazaridis International Case Conference (LazICC), Wilfred Laurier University

Have questions?

For more information about getting involved in competitions, contact us

Email: casecomp@sfu.ca

Phone: 778.782.7139