Fall 2006

Regular seminars will begin again in the Spring semester. See the Frontiers in Biophysics retreat for this term's

Date Speaker Topic
November 27th
2:30PM P8445B
Maria Manosas
University of Barcelona
Force folding kinetics in RNA molecules

Summer 2006

Date Speaker Topic
April 21st
2:00PM P8445B
David McGloin
St. Andrews
Optical Tweezers: Techniques and Applications
May 1st
11:00AM AQ4130
Suckjoon Jun
FOM-institute AMOLF
Can entropy help bacteria to segregate their chromosomes?
May 1st
Noon AQ4130
Axel Arnold
FOM-institute AMOLF
May 8th
Noon AQ4130
Andre Marziali
UBC Physics
*May 15th Philip Johnson
SFU Physics
Single molecule gene expression, twice! (paper1, paper2)
May 22nd Victoria Day There will be no journal club talk today
May 29th Brandon Marshall
UBC Physics
Modelling FtsZ Ring Formation during the Early Stages of E. coli Cell Division
*June 5th Eldon Emberly
SFU Physics
Spontaneous evolution of modularity and network motifs (paper)
*June 12th Vahid Shahrezaei
SFU Physics
Protein complexes in yeast (paper1, paper2)
*June 19th Yi Deng
SFU Physics
Resource competition and social conflict in experimental populations of yeast (paper)
*June 26th Elena Barbir & Sherry Leung
SFU Physics
Voltage-Dependent Hydration and Conduction Properties of the Hydrophobic Pore of the Mechanosensitive Channel of Small Conductance (paper)
*July 10th Philip Grant
SFU Physics
Virus-enabled Synthesis and Assembly of Nanowires for Lithium Ion Battery Electrodes (paper)
*July 17th John Bechhoefer
SFU Physics
Advances in DNA sequencing (paper, website)
*July 24th
There is no journal club this week
*July 31st Cameron Forde
SFU Physics/Biology
Cell growth: linear or exponential? (paper1, paper2)
August 9th
Michel Roux
Centre d'Etudes de Saclay
Lipid microdomains driven by cyclodextrin interactions at the membrane surface