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Board Nominations

1. What is the Board of Directors of SFUCCS?

  • The Board of Directors of SFUCCS creates the policies of the Society, oversee the overall operations of the SFUCCS, as well as plan for the future. Members of the Board volunteer their time to represent the families who make up the SFU childcare society and have an opportunity to influence its direction. 
  • The SFUCCS Board is made up of not more than 14 voting members who fall into one of three categories: Parent, University or Community Representative. Board members can bring a wide range of knowledge and skills to the Society including: board governance, fundraising, education, not-for-profit sector, finance, human resources or advocacy. 
  • Board members are elected or appointed at the Society’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) to sit for a two-year term. At the end of their term, those who wish to continue must put their name forward with other interested candidates and be elected for another two-year term.

2. Time commitment necessary for volunteering on the SFUCCS Board

  • The Board meets about 6 times a year, generally between 6:30 and 8:30pm. Each meeting requires about 30 minutes advance preparation to read the material sent out to members ahead of the meeting. 
  • Attendance of Board members at meetings is important. This is because in order to conduct a Board meeting, quorum must first be achieved. Quorum is the minimum number of voting members of the Board who must be in attendance in order to start the meeting. For the SFUCCS Board, quorum is 6 members of which 4 must be parent members. 
  • Board members should be willing to serve on a committee. Current committees include: Finance, Audit and Investment committee; Governance and Nominating committee; Communication Committee; and Human Resources committee. Time commitment for the committee work varies.

3. Nomination process for the Board of directors of the SFUCCS

  • Individuals interested in holding a volunteer Board position can be nominated by a Society member OR can nominate him/her self
  • Nominations must be submitted, in writing, via email to no later than 2 weeks prior to the AGM. The form below gives an outline of the information required at the time of application.
  • Nominations will be verified by the SFUCCS Governance and Nominating Committee and nominees will then be contacted by either the Chair of the Governance & Nominating Committee or the Executive Director 
  • Please note that parent representative Board nominations are only accepted by using this form. NO calls from the floor for nominees will be taken at the AGM 

4. How does the election process work

  • At least one week prior to the AGM, the Governance and Nominating Committee will circulate the candidate's statement submitted by each nominee
  • The person directing the election process will announce prior to each vote the number of seats to be filled and the category of the seat (parent, community, or university)
  • Just prior to voting, each candidate wil be asked to make a very brief (1 or 2 minute) presentation to introduce him/herself to the voters and the reason they wish to serve on the Board
  • All voting will be conducted by secret ballot, regardless of the ratio of candidates to vacancies
  • Each Society family is entitled to one vote
  • Society staff are not entitled to vote even if they are also a Society family
  • Society administrative staff and continuing Board members who are not on the Ballot will count the ballots
  • Nominees are only eligible to be elected into the position for which they are running
  • If the vote is a ratification vote, a majority "disapprove" vote should be interpreted as the membership declining to fill the vacant position by the proposed nominee.The election results will be announced by the end of the AGM barring any unforseen difficulties.