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Maintaining Enrollment

At any time during the year, should a family who gained enrollment through a priority status (SFUCCS Staff Families/SFU Families/UniverCity Families) no longer has that status, they will be given 90 days’ notice to withdraw. If there are no priority status families on the waitlist at the effective date of the withdrawal, the family’s status will convert to Non-SFU Families and they may retain the space. If there are priority families on the waitlist, the family will be placed on the waitlist to be considered for a space at a later date, with priority over Non-SFU Families currently on the waitlist. 

Parents are responsible for notifying SFUCCS administration immediately if their priority status changes. Priority status will be routinely checked on the offer of a space and at transition to the next age group. Administration may check priority status of families at any time. Should administration determine that status has changed and the family has not notified SFUCCS, child care may be withdrawn immediately.

Transitioning to a new age group/program is not automatic and not guaranteed. It will be based on priority status at the time of the transition. Sibling priority is not considered in transitioning.

Movement to the next age group is done internally, in accordance with licensing regulations, with the SFUCCS administrator and Parents when a space becomes available. An application is not required when moving from one age group to another except when moving onto the School Age external waitlist. Priority status will be verified at the time of the transition. (e.g.: if a family who had SFU Families or SFUCCS Staff Families status at the time of first enrollment at SFUCCS but does not have the same priority now, the child may not be transitioned to the next age group if there are families in higher priority groups on the external wait list.)

To add your child to the school age external waitlist for enrollment between October and August, a waitlist application must be submitted when your child has a confirmed admission in one of the three elementary schools we service. Internal children from the 3-5 aged programs who do not receive a School Age space in September will not be automatically transferred to the school age external waitlist and will require a new school age application.