Publications on Computing, Hypermedia, Networks

Paul Delany
[Co-editor with George Landow] Hypermedia and Literary Studies [Anthology of essays by various authors]. Cambridge: the MIT Press, 1991. Pp. 352. Paperback edition, MIT Press, 1993.
[Co-editor with George Landow] The Digital Word: Text-based Computing in the Humanities [Anthology of essays by various authors]. Cambridge: the MIT Press, 1993. Pp. xii, 362.

Pico V.2: A Humanist in the Year 2010. A Round Table. Edited by Gregory Bloomquist. Ottawa: Humanities and Social Science Federation of Canada, 1996. [Participant]
“The Discourse of Computer-Supported Media: Reading and Writing on Usenet.” In The Yearbook of English Studies, vol. 25 (1995): 213-224.
"'Hardly the Center of the World': Vancouver in William Gibson's 'The Winter Market.'" In P. Delany, ed., Vancouver: Representing the Postmodern City (Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp Press). 179-192.
"L'Ordinateur et la Critique Littéraire: Du Golem à la Textualité Cybernetique," in Littérature 96, special issue on "L'Informatique et la Littérature," December 1994, 6-18. See also English Version.
[P. Childers, P. Delany] "Wired World, Virtual Campus: Universities and the Political Economy of Cyberspace." In Works and Days, 23/24, Vol. 12, Nos. 1 & 2: 61-73. Special double issue on "The Geography of Cyberspace."
[P. Delany, George P. Landow] "Managing the Digital Word: The Text in an Age of Electronic Reproduction," in G. Landow and P. Delany, eds., The Digital Word: Text-Based Computing in the Humanities (MIT Press, 1993). 3-28.
"From the Scholar's Library to the Personal Docuverse," in G. Landow and P. Delany, eds., The Digital Word: Text-Based Computing in the Humanities (MIT Press, 1993). 189-199.
Translation into English of Jacques Virbel, "Reading and Managing Texts on the Bibliothèque de France Station," in G. Landow & P. Delany, eds., The Digital Word: Text-Based Computing in the Humanities .
[With George Landow] "Hypertext, Hypermedia and Literary Studies: the State of the Art." In P. Delany & G. P. Landow, eds., Hypermedia and Literary Studies. 3-50.
[With J. D. Gilbert] "HyperCard Stacks for Fielding's Joseph Andrews: Issues of Design and Content." In Hypermedia and Literary Studies, 287-298.
"Voyage to Uchronia." [Review of William Gibson and Bruce Sterling, The Difference Engine.] The London Review of Books, vol. 13, no. 16 (29 August 1991), 22. [Partially reprinted in Contemporary Literary Criticism. Detroit: Gale Research, 1993.]
"Elements, Links and Structures in Hypermedia." Conference proceedings, "Communication Interactive: Instruments de Communication Evolués, Hypertextes, Hypermédias," Paris, May 15-17, 1990.
[Review]"Turing's Man: Western Culture in the Computer Age. By J. David Bolter," The New York Times Book Review, March 18, p.13. [Letter to the Editor, 29 April, p. 38]

29 December. [With J.D. Gilbert] "A HyperCard Stack for Fielding's Joseph Andrews: Issues of Design and Content." Modern Language Association Convention, New Orleans.
31 May - 3 June. Taught course on "Hypermedia and Literature," Toronto-Oxford Summer School of Humanities Computing, University of Toronto.
15 June: "Penelope's Web: A Joyce Docuverse." North American James Joyce Conference, Vancouver.
3 March: "Wired World, Virtual Campus." Seminar for Department of Communications, SFU.
20 May: Delivered paper (co-author Peter Childers) on "Wired World, Virtual Campus: Universities and the Political Economy of Cyberspace." 4Cyberconf: the Fourth International Conference on Cyberspace, Centre for the Arts, Banff, Alberta.