Graduate Student Supervision

Doctoral Dissertations

Saarenmäki, M. (2020, pre-approved). Nonlinear Storytelling Approach to Developing Computational Thinking Skills, University of Helsinki, Finland

Sairanen, H. (2020). Towards Relational Agency in Finnish Early Years Pedagogy and Practices, University of Helsinki, Finland

Saadatmand, M. (2017). MOOCs in education: A learner perspective. University of Helsinki, Finland  

Paananen, M. (2016). Early childhood education and policy in Finland, University of Helsinki, Finland

Rajala, A. (2016). Students’ learning across school and out of school contexts, University of Helsinki, Finland

Hilppö, J. (2016). Children’s sense of agency: A co-participatory investigation, University of Helsinki, Finland

Kovalainen, M. (2013). Learning and teaching as social construction. University of Oulu, Finland

Kangas, M. (2010). The school of the future: Theoretical and pedagogical approaches for creative and playful learning environments, University of Lapland, Finland

Chang, J. (2009). A sociocultural approach to teaching English as a foreign language, University of Warwick, UK

Kaartinen, S. (2003). Learning to participate, participating to learn in science and mathematics classrooms, University of Oulu, Finland

Willman, A. (2001). Yhteistyön ristiriitaiset puhetavat: Diskurssianalyyttinen näkökulma luokanopettajien tulkintoihin tiimityöstä, University of Oulu, Finland

Masters Level Theses

Experience in supervising more than 120 Master’s thesis.
