Mathematics of Brain Imaging Workshop

June 26, 2012

Workshop on Mathematics of Brain Imaging 2012

Mathematics of brain imaging has been a focus theme of the past year for Mitacs (Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex Systems). In order to provide an overview of this area, Mitacs ( is organizing a Mathematics of Brain Imaging workshop at the IRMACS Centre at Simon Fraser University, July 11-13th, 2012.

The workshop is organized in collaboration with Simon Fraser University and NeuroDevNet ( This workshop aims to continue the collaborative tone of the Mitacs International Focus Period on the Mathematics of Medical Imaging with a special focus on brain imaging, by bringing together mathematicians, researchers in health sciences, and health care manufacturers.

Industry Connector Event

There will be an industry connector event on the evening of July 13th to increase networking between industry and academia in the area of brain imaging. This event is open to all companies to showcase their imaging platforms specifically focusing on mathematical algorithms for analysis of the acquired images. In addition, graduate students and post-docs have contributed posters for this event, showcasing their latest work on mathematical algorithms for brain imaging. This will be followed by an informal networking session--an ideal opportunity to learn about the latest research and development, and to initiate new collaborations/partnerships. Appetizers will be provided.

To register and for more information, visit