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School of Sustainable Energy Engineering
SEE researcher receives CFI's John R. Evans Leaders Fund
Sustainable Energy Engineering professor, Mariana Resener has been announced as a recipient of this year's Canada Foundation for Innovation’s John R. Evans Leaders Fund (CFI’s JELF).
The funding of $100,000 will be used to establish a research laboratory for advanced research and innovation in modern distribution grids. With the global economy striving to transition energy consumption from fossil fuels to more sustainable energy sources, electrical grids have the potential to help us reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The research will enable the development of models, algorithms and technologies to overcome the uncertainties of the power grid reliabilty and facilitate the integration of distributed energy resources.
The CFI’s JELF was created to help institutions recruit and retain outstanding researchers. The fund will support researchers in building the necessary foundational infrastructure and acquire the tools needed to lead and conduct cutting-edge research. This enables SFU to remain internationally competitive in areas of research and technology development that align with the university’s strategic priorities.