Kate Elliott


Kate Elliott (she/her) is an Interdisciplinary PhD student at SFU. Her past research through SFU has examined working lives of informal recyclers, cemeteries as public green space, journeys of homeless people seeking housing, and food security through community engagement. Currently, Kate is tracking the life stories of shopping carts in urban spaces. Her interest in biographies of objects ("things") is supported through membership in global biography research networks and active participation in hybrid and virtual writing groups at the Oxford Centre for Life Writing (OCLW) at Wolfson College. She is also director of Wayfinding for Restorative Methods, an initiative supported by the Low-Carbon Research Methods Group, an international collective of scholars and artists working to lower carbon in academia. A former high school teacher, Kate has been an instructor for SFU’s Continuing Studies (Urban Dirt and Object Biographies: Exploring the Secret Lives of “Things”), FASS Forward (Write-Minded), and for a graduate course in Urban Research Methods. She has worked as a public health researcher, translator, editor, and cemetery assistant. Kate holds degrees from SFU (M.Urb), the University of Ottawa (B.Ed), and UBC (BA).