FCAT, Communication, Contemporary Arts, Interactive Arts & Technology, Students

Meet the FCAT Social Media Ambassadors

February 12, 2025

Each semester, the Faculty of Communication, Art and Technology hires students to act as social media ambassadors for each of our three schools (Communication, Contemporary Arts, and Interactive Arts & Technology). These students get the opportunity to stretch their creative wings while collaborating to create engaging videos for their school’s social media channels like TikTok and Instagram.

We caught up with a few of our ambassadors - Ashley Sankaran-Wee and Dana Elizondo Pulido from the School for the Contemporary Arts (SCA) and Naiha Kaba and Maya Gatchalian from the School of Communication (CMNS) - to find out more about their experiences creating social media content for FCAT!

FCAT: Please introduce yourself.

Ashley Sankaran-Wee: I am Ashley Sankaran-Wee, and I am studying Dance and Communications – Super FCAT Fan!
Naiha Kaba: Hi! I’m Naiha, and I am currently in my second year at SFU studying Communication.
Dana Elizondo Pulido: Hi! My name is Dana. I am an international student from Mexico and a Film major at SFU.
Maya Gatchalian: Hi, I’m Maya. I am a fourth-year Communication major and publishing minor here at SFU.

FCAT: Why did you choose to apply to be a Social Media Ambassador for your school?

Ashley: I chose to apply to be a social media ambassador as I have immense pride for the values the Faculty stands for – fostering curiosity and creativity to propel interdisciplinary thinkers, makers, and doers through active teaching and learning. What better way to apply the teachings I have learned in both SCA and CMNS courses than through promoting the schools!
Naiha: I chose to apply because I remembered how it felt as a first year to go into university and not know a whole lot about the opportunities and options that I had around me. I knew that through the Social Media Ambassador role, I would be able to make content for the benefit of other Communication students and gain valuable skills in my field.
Dana: When applying to SFU, I always wished I could know more about the student lives and experiences of people like me. When I heard about the Social Media Ambassador role, I thought of the amazing opportunity it would be for current and prospective students to get an insight on the everyday experiences of a student at the SCA. Our Vancouver campus is vibrant, exciting, and full of creative people, so the Social Media Ambassador position seemed like the perfect opportunity to share that with the world! I also had had some previous experiences being a social media creator and managing my own content, so it seemed like an intriguing way to connect what I already knew with fresh and innovative contexts.
Maya: I was interested in getting more involved in the school especially since it is my last full year, so when I got the email about being a Social Media Ambassador, I applied right away. So far, this position is very fun. I am given the opportunity to create content that can resonate with students while also being creative. It is also very easy to manage with a full course load because I enjoy learning more about content creation anyway.

FCAT: What has been your most memorable experience in the role so far?

A: My most memorable experience in the role so far is seeing the joy on new friends’ faces as they participate in the posts.
N: So far, my favourite experience with the role has been going to the Career Festival this October. I met many professionals who were very willing to be part of the video I was shooting, and their positivity was uplifting. I think as a young student sometimes it can be intimidating to go up to people you aren’t familiar with and ask them to film something with you. There’s the possibility of them saying no, but also the possibility of them being super excited to film! Being a social media ambassador has brought me out of my comfort zone and made me a better communicator.
D: Now when in class, I always think about creative ways to share the things that make me feel excited. We had a workshop with industry-level cameras recently and I found myself imagining what it would have been like to know I would get such amazing opportunities as an SFU student. As an Ambassador, it feels incredible to have the chance to show others that it is possible! In other words, I think what has been the most memorable is thinking about my everyday life as a Film student from an outside perspective and ideating compelling ways to portray it on different social media formats.

FCAT: Do you have any advice for students interested in applying for the role in the future?

A: Go for it! There are extensive benefits to the role from meeting new people, to practicing skills, and being creative. You have nothing to lose!
N: Being a social media ambassador has taught me that creative ideas are always a good thing. You’re going to have some posts that gain more traction than others, so it’s always good to switch things up, it teaches you what works and what doesn’t! And save all the fun ideas that already exist online as your inspiration. Trends are great to work with.
D: Think of the media content you would have liked to see when applying. Would you have wanted to see an insight into the campus? The programs? The classes? Now, get creative! The current possibilities with social media are endless, and whatever YOU decide to bring to the table will undoubtedly be unique.
M: My biggest advice would be to apply no matter what and if you happen to get the role try to be creative and different. Stay on top of trends and create content that you think students in your school would enjoy and actively engage with.

You can check out Ashley, Dana, Naiha and Maya's work - along with the work of our other social media ambassadors - on TikTok: @sfucmns, @sca.sfu, and @siatsfu!

Are you a student who is interested in becoming an FCAT social media ambassador for the Spring 2025 semester? You can find details about the position and how to apply here: https://www.sfu.ca/fcat/get-involved/work-at-fcat.html
