The Watchman

The Watchman, courtesy of

        The Watchman is directly adjacent to the largest and most developed parking and observation area in the park (TravelwestVisual).  The trailhead and parking lot are at the overlook at mile 4 of Rim Drive.  If one is dissatisfied with the view from the observation area, then he or she can hike a half mile trail for a 500 foot elevation gain to the top of the Watchman.  In addition to a historic fire tower on top of the hill, there is a fantastic bird's eye view of Wizard Island.

Click HERE to see the trail map!


Views from the top


Sunset over the lake, with Kerr Notch and Sun Notch in the background.  Photo credit: John G. Wilbanks

Looking down at Wizard Island.  Photo credit: North Seattle Community College

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