Ferguson, J.D. (1957) A Study of the Effects of the D.E.W. Line Upon the Eskimo of the Western Canadian Arctic, Northern Research Co-ordination Centre, Ottawa (2 volume, unpublished typescript –INAC library rare books E100.E4 F47) summary
Keywords: Cambridge Bay, D.E.W. Line, employment, Northern Co-ordination and Research Centre, shack housing, tents
Graburn, Nelson H.H. (1963) Lake Harbour, Baffin Island, NCRC-63-2, Northern Co-ordination and Research Centre, Department of Northern Affairs and National Resources, Ottawa summary
Keywords: Iqaluit (Frobisher Bay), Lake Harbour, Northern Co-ordination and Research Centre, resettlement, tents
Lyons, Natasha (2010) The wisdom of elders: Inuvialuit social memories of continuity and change in the twentieth century, Arctic Anthropology 47(1): 22-38 summary
Keywords: Aklavik, camp life, Inuvialuit, Inuvik, Mackenzie Delta, oral history, resettlement, tents
Matthiasson, John S. (1992) Living on the Land: Change among the Inuit of Baffin Island, Broadview Press, Peterborough, ON summary
Keywords: camp life, gender,
Vallee, Frank G. (1967[1962]) Kabloona and Eskimo, Northern Co-ordination and Research Centre, Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, Ottawa summary
Keywords: Baker Lake, employment, Northern Co-ordination
Yatsushiro, Toshio (1963) Frobisher Bay 1958, NCRC-63-6, Northern Research Co-Ordination Centre, Ottawa summary
Keywords: employment, housing conditions, Iqaluit (Frobisher Bay), Northern Co-ordination and Research Centre, shack housing, social housing, tents