We apply each technology that OneOff has to an exhibition so each time that we buy a machine that is used for prototyping we decided to show the technology, to the people, to everybody, not just the designers. To show the potential that each technology has. We do this through ideas that are coming from designers that has the best potential supplier for projects. So there is really a communication between the designer that have ideas and the market, that if they like it, they will buy these ideas. So our project, in our point of view, is quiet an interesting project , as I said: open. It is not just information technology, it is really an open source business. Its open source because we are not a very big company, because we are a new company, but we have a very large number of designers that are our suppliers of ideas. So it is a very open source. And its interesting because it is from all over the world. Designers, through technology, with means of the internet and through softwares that are really the same all over the world can send input of their culture to somewhere. So for this reason, we have ideas that are sometimes different and the market likes these ideas very much because sometimes you like this and that, you like ideas, everyone likes ideas. This is a way for designers to interact and to communicate directly with the market, the global market.