Override the _getRowValues method to set the background color of a row based on the Catalog Entry type. If the entry type is not found in the COLORS list, then the background will be the Table Editor default background color.
GET_ROW: method rownum rowdata fg bg fmt 8;
    fg = 0;
    fmt = 0;

    call send( _self_, '_getDataList', 
               datalist );
    rowdata = getiteml( datalist, rownum );

    typename = getnitemc( rowdata,
                          'OBJTYPE' );

    colors = getniteml( _self_,'COLORS' );
    color = getnitemc( colors,typename, 1,
            1, '        ' );

    if ( substr( color, 1, 1 ) = ' ' )
         then bg = 0;
    else do;
       bg = getniteml( _self_,'BGCOLORS' );
       rc = setnitemc( bg, color,'_color' );