Create data set REFLIB.HUMID. The DATA step varies color according to specified air-temperature ranges.
data reflib.humid;
   length colorval $ 8.;
   label wtemp='Wet-Bulb Temp';
   label relhum='Rel. Humidity';
   label atemp='   Air Temp.';
   input atemp wtemp relhum;
   if atemp<26 then colorval="blue";
   else if atemp>=26 and atemp<+52 then colorval="red";
   else if atemp>=52 and atemp<+78 then colorval="green";
   else if atemp>=78 and atemp<+104 then colorval="lib";
   else if atemp>104 then colorval="pink  ";
0    1     67
0    2     33
...more data lines...
130  34     29
130  35     28