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The GPRINT Procedure

Example 2: Adjusting the Size of Characters

Procedure features:
GPRINT statement options:
Other features:
FILENAME statement
GOPTIONS statement
PRINT procedure
PRINTTO procedure
Sample library member: GR22N02

This example creates a graph from a text file and increases the size of the text. The first part of this example uses the PRINT procedure to create an external file that contains SAS output. The GPRINT procedure is used to import the text file into a graph. Because the LINESIZE= option (columns) is set to 76 and the PAGESIZE= option (rows) is set to 24, the output is small and occupies only a portion of the page, as shown in GPRINT Procedure Output with No Adjustments (GR22N02(a)):

GPRINT Procedure Output with No Adjustments (GR22N02(a))


In the second part of this example, the number of columns and rows in the graphics output area is reduced with the HPOS= and VPOS= graphic options. Thus, the size of the characters in the graph increase, as shown in GPRINT Procedure Output with Adjusted Sizing (GR22N02(b)):

GPRINT Procedure Output with Adjusted Sizing (GR22N02(b))


 Note about code
libname reflib 'SAS-data-library';
goptions reset=global border cback=white
         colors=(black blue green red)
         ftitle=swissb ftext=none
         hsize=7in vsize=5in
         hpos=142 vpos=68;
 Note about code
filename dow 'external-file';
 Note about code
options nodate nonumber linesize=76 pagesize=24;
 Note about code
proc printto print=dow new;
 Note about code
proc print data=reflib.dowhlc;
 Note about code
proc printto;
 Note about code
title 'Dow-Jones Averages';
footnote h=3 pct f=swiss j=r 'GR22N02(a) ';
 Note about code
proc gprint fileref=dow;
 Note about code
goptions hpos=75 vpos=30;
 Note about code
footnote h=3 pct f=swiss j=r 'GR22N02(b) ';
 Note about code
proc gprint fileref=dow;

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