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SAS/GRAPH Software: Reference

About SAS/GRAPH Output

Most SAS/GRAPH procedures produce graphics output, which is distinct from SAS output. Whereas SAS output is made up of text, graphics output is made up of commands that tell a graphics device how to draw graphics.

This chapter discusses how to display, print, store, modify, and transport SAS/GRAPH output after you have created it. For information on SAS/GRAPH language elements and programs and on how procedure output is generated, see SAS/GRAPH Programs.

What You Can Do With SAS/GRAPH Output

By default, SAS/GRAPH procedures that produce graphics output display the output on your monitor or terminal, using either the display manager GRAPH window or the direct display method. For details, see Displaying Graphics Output on Monitors or Terminals. SAS/GRAPH also can direct graphics output to a variety of other destinations. Graphics output can be

In addition, you can produce graphics output as GIF files and automatically generate HTML files so that you can display your graphics output with a Web browser. For details, see Bringing SAS/GRAPH Output to the Web.

Regardless of the other types of output generated, SAS/GRAPH procedures always generate a SAS catalog entry. The entry is stored in the WORK.GSEG catalog unless you specify a different catalog with the GOUT= option in a PROC statement. To generate only catalog entries and suppress all other forms of graphics output, use the NODISPLAY graphics option.

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