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SAS/MDDB Server Administrator's Guide

Using an MDDB with the MDDB Report Viewer

If you want to access MDDBs without creating and deploying your own application, you can use the MDDB Report Viewer application, which is available as a component of SAS/IntrNet Application Dispatcher software.

The MDDB Report Viewer enables users to generate and view reports and graphs of data that are stored in MDDBs without running a SAS session. This capability eliminates the need to have SAS software running on all users' machines and provides access to the MDDB reports and graphs in a Web environment.

The MDDB Report Viewer contains three pages in which the user enters information to view an MDDB report. In general, the user selects an MDDB to view; specifies the down, across, and analysis variables and statistics to be included in the report; and sets some report options. Users can also specify whether to display a graph with the report. After the report appears, users can drill down to additional values in a report; rotate the down and across dimensions of the report; modify the report dimensions, analysis variables, and statistics; generate a two-dimensional or three-dimensional graph of the report data; download the report to a spreadsheet; and print the report.

For complete instructions on how to use the MDDB Report Viewer to view MDDBs, refer to the online SAS/IntrNet Application Dispatcher documentation.

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